Testi delle Canzoni di Necrofrost

Trova qui i testi delle tue canzoni preferite di Necrofrost.

  1. Bloodthrones And Legionwoods
  2. Carcass Carried By The Scrawls Of Titanbats
  3. Grimm Of Decembers Mailune
  4. Inne Dyster Moorhoof
  5. Me The Thundra
  6. My Winter Of Forgotten Souls
  7. Nostalgia Freeze The Norse Reaper
  8. Rapacious Forests In Ultimate Sleep
  9. Raw Ravens Journey
  10. Slaughtered In a Misanthropic Intent
  11. The Return Of Animalian Bloodlust
  12. Under The Carpathian Branches
  13. Wonders That On My Rotten Cabin Pounders

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Se hai trovato la canzone di Necrofrost che ti piace in questa lista, condividila con i tuoi cari.