Testi delle Canzoni di Nothing's Carved In Stone

  1. Out Of Control
  2. (As If It's) a Warning
  3. Alive
  4. Blue Shadow
  5. Advance Forward
  6. Arround The Clock
  7. Assassin
  8. Beginning
  9. Bog
  10. Chain Reaction
  11. Chaotic Imagination
  12. Cold Reason
  13. Crying Skull
  14. Crystal Beat
  15. Diachronic
  16. Everlasting Youth
  17. Falling Pieces
  18. False Alarm
  19. Hakuchū
  20. Hand In Hand
  21. Idols
  22. Inside Out
  23. Isolation
  24. Kirameki No Hana
  25. Lighthouse
  26. Midnight Train
  27. Milestone
  28. Mirror Ocean
  29. Moving In Slow-Motion
  30. My Ground
  31. New Day
  32. November 15th
  33. Palm
  34. Pendulum
  35. Predestined Lovers
  36. Pride
  37. Pupa
  38. Raining Ash
  39. Red Light
  40. Rendaman
  41. Same Circle
  42. Sands Of Time
  43. Say Goodbye
  44. Scarred Soul
  45. Seasons Of Me
  46. Sequel
  47. Silent Shades
  48. Sleepless Youth
  49. Slow Down
  50. Spiralbreak
  51. Spirit Inspiration
  52. Sunday Morning Escape
  53. Terminal
  54. The Big Chill
  55. The Silver Sun Rise Up High
  56. The Swim
  57. Thermograffiti
  58. Thief
  59. To Where My Shoe Points
  60. TRANS.A.M
  61. Truth
  62. What's My Satisfaction
  63. Words That Bind Us
  64. You're In Motion

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