Testi delle Canzoni di Obituary

Qui potrai scoprire quali sono le canzoni di Obituary più ricercate.

  1. Don't Care
  2. A Dying World
  3. Back From The Dead
  4. Back On Top
  5. Back To One
  6. Blindsided
  7. Blood Soaked
  8. Blood to Give
  9. Bloodshot
  10. Body Bag
  11. Boiling Point
  12. Bullituary (Remix)
  13. Buried Alive
  14. Burned In
  15. By The Light
  16. Cause Of Death
  17. Centuries Of Lies
  18. Chopped In Half
  19. Circle Of The Tyrants
  20. Contrast The Dead
  21. Corrosive
  22. Dead Silence
  23. Deadly Intentions
  24. Dethroned Emperor (Celtic Frost cover)
  25. Download
  26. Drop dead
  27. Dying
  28. Dying Of Everything
  29. End It Now
  30. Evil Ways
  31. Feed On The Weak
  32. Feel The pain
  33. Final Thoughts
  34. Find The Arise
  35. Forces Realign
  36. Gates To Hell
  37. Godly Beings
  38. I`m In Pain
  39. I'm In Pain
  40. Immortal Visions
  41. In The End Of Life
  42. In Your Head
  43. Infected
  44. Insane
  45. Internal Bleeding
  46. Intoxicated
  47. Inverted
  48. Kill For Me
  49. Killing Time
  50. Left to Die
  51. Lies
  52. Like The Dead
  53. List of Dead
  54. Loathe
  55. Lockdown
  56. Lost
  57. Memories Remain
  58. My Will to Live
  59. On The Floor
  60. Pain Inside
  61. Paralyzing
  62. Platonic Disease
  63. Pressure Point
  64. Redefine
  65. Rewind
  66. Rotting Ways
  67. Second Chance
  68. Sentence Day
  69. Set In Stone
  70. Sickness
  71. Slowly We Rot
  72. Solid State
  73. Splattered
  74. Stand Alone
  75. Stinkupuss
  76. Suffocation
  77. Ten Thousand Ways To Die
  78. The End Complete
  79. The Wrong Time
  80. Threatening Skies
  81. Till Death
  82. Turned Inside Out
  83. Turned To Stone
  84. Violence
  85. Violent By Nature
  86. Visions In My Head
  87. War
  88. Words Of Evil
  89. World Demise

Gli Obituary sono un gruppo musicale death metal statunitense formatosi a Tampa nel 1984. Considerati una delle band più importanti del genere, assieme a Death, Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse e Deicide formano i cosiddetti "Big 5" del death statunitense che si sviluppò alla fine degli anni ottanta.

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