Ti piacciono le canzoni di Patty Griffin? Qui troverai i testi delle canzoni di Patty Griffin così che tu possa cantarle a squarciagola, adattarle a modo tuo o semplicemente capire bene ciò che dicono.
Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di Patty Griffin?
- Florida
- Heavenly Day
- 10 Milion Miles
- 250,000 Miles
- A Place To Stand
- Alex Chilton
- All Creatures Of Our God And King
- Be careful
- Big Daddy
- Blue sky
- Bluebeard
- Boston
- Boxes
- Boys From Tralee
- Breaking Up Somebody's Home
- Bubba's Sulky Lounge
- Buck Naked Heart
- Burgundy Shoes
- Cain
- Calling Me Home
- Carry me
- Ceux Qui Nont Rien
- Change
- Chief
- Christina
- Coins
- Cold As It Gets
- Coming Home To Me
- Connie And Val
- Crazy
- Crying Over
- Daddy
- Death's Got a Warrant
- Dia Celeste
- Don't Come Easy
- Don't Let Me Die In Florida
- Driving
- Entrer Dans La Lumire
- Even Here We Are
- Every Little Bit
- Everything's Changed
- Faithful Son
- Falling Down
- Fatigue Dattendre
- Flaming Red
- Forgiveness
- Fragile
- Free
- Get Ready Marie
- Getting Ready
- Go Now
- Go Wherever You Wanna Go
- Gonna Miss You When You’re Gone
- Good And Gone
- Goodbye
- Gunpowder
- Had A Good Reason
- Half a Person
- Highway Song
- Holy Water
- Hourglass
- House Of Gold
- Hurt A Little While
- I Don't Ever Give Up
- I Smell A Rat
- I Wonder
- I Write The Book
- Icicles
- If I Had My Way
- Irish Boy
- Just The Same
- Kite song
- La Libert
- Let Him Fly
- Let Your Freedom Ring
- Little Fire
- Little god
- Long ride home
- Long road
- Love throw a line
- Luminous Places
- Mad mission
- Made Of Clay
- Made Of The Sun
- Making pies
- Mama's Worried
- Mary
- Mil besos
- Mom & Dad’s Waltz
- Moon River
- Moses
- Mother of god
- Move Up
- Nebraska
- Never Been To Spain
- Never Grow Old
- Night
- No Bad News
- No More Illusions
- No More Pioneers
- Noble Ground
- Nobody's Crying
- Not A Bad Man
- Not alone
- Off You Go
- Ohio
- One Big Love
- One more girl
- Pa Janvier, Laisse-moi M'en Aller
- Perfect white girls
- Peter pan
- Poor man's house
- Railroad Wings
- Rain
- Regarding mary
- Rider Of Days
- River
- Rowing song
- Servant Of Love
- Shells
- Shine A Different Way
- Silber bell
- Snake Charmer
- So Long
- Someone Else's Tomorrow
- Sooner Or Later
- Sorry and sad
- Standing
- Stay On The Ride
- Stolen car
- Sweet lorraine
- Take It With Me
- That Kind Of Lonely
- The Longer You Wait
- The Strange Man
- The Wheel
- There Isn't One Way
- Time Of The Dance
- Time Will Do The Talking
- Tomorrow night
- Tony
- Top of the world
- Tracks Of My Tears
- Trapeze
- Truth
- Under These Clouds
- Unnecessary
- Up And Flying
- Up Or Down
- Up To The Mountain (MLK Song)
- Useless desires
- Vertigo
- Virgen de Guadalupe
- Wade In The Water
- Waiting For My Child
- Wayfaring Stranger
- We Are Water
- We Shall All Be Reunited
- What I Remember
- What Now
- What You Are
- When it don't come easy
- When Something's Broken
- Where I Come From
- White Dove
- Wiggley fingers
- Wild Old Dog
- Words
- You Never Asked Me
- You Never Get What You Want
- You'll Remember
- You're Not Alone
Patricia Jean Griffin, detta Patty (Old Town, 16 marzo 1964), è una cantautrice e musicista statunitense.
I testi delle canzoni di Patty Griffin seguono spesso certi schemi che puoi scoprire se presti attenzione. Sei pronto a scoprire quali sono?
Come sempre, cerchiamo di migliorare e crescere, quindi se non hai trovato i testi delle canzoni di Patty Griffin che cercavi, torna presto, poiché aggiorniamo frequentemente i nostri database per offrire tutte le canzoni di Patty Griffin e di molti altri artisti il più rapidamente possibile.
A volte le canzoni di Patty Griffin ci aiutano ad esprimere ciò che pensiamo o sentiamo. È il tuo caso?