Testi delle Canzoni di Patty Griffin

Ti piacciono le canzoni di Patty Griffin? Qui troverai i testi delle canzoni di Patty Griffin così che tu possa cantarle a squarciagola, adattarle a modo tuo o semplicemente capire bene ciò che dicono.

Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di Patty Griffin?

  1. Florida
  2. Heavenly Day
  3. 10 Milion Miles
  4. 250,000 Miles
  5. A Place To Stand
  6. Alex Chilton
  7. All Creatures Of Our God And King
  8. Be careful
  9. Big Daddy
  10. Blue sky
  11. Bluebeard
  12. Boston
  13. Boxes
  14. Boys From Tralee
  15. Breaking Up Somebody's Home
  16. Bubba's Sulky Lounge
  17. Buck Naked Heart
  18. Burgundy Shoes
  19. Cain
  20. Calling Me Home
  21. Carry me
  22. Ceux Qui Nont Rien
  23. Change
  24. Chief
  25. Christina
  26. Coins
  27. Cold As It Gets
  28. Coming Home To Me
  29. Connie And Val
  30. Crazy
  31. Crying Over
  32. Daddy
  33. Death's Got a Warrant
  34. Dia Celeste
  35. Don't Come Easy
  36. Don't Let Me Die In Florida
  37. Driving
  38. Entrer Dans La Lumire
  39. Even Here We Are
  40. Every Little Bit
  41. Everything's Changed
  42. Faithful Son
  43. Falling Down
  44. Fatigue Dattendre
  45. Flaming Red
  46. Forgiveness
  47. Fragile
  48. Free
  49. Get Ready Marie
  50. Getting Ready
  51. Go Now
  52. Go Wherever You Wanna Go
  53. Gonna Miss You When You’re Gone
  54. Good And Gone
  55. Goodbye
  56. Gunpowder
  57. Had A Good Reason
  58. Half a Person
  59. Highway Song
  60. Holy Water
  61. Hourglass
  62. House Of Gold
  63. Hurt A Little While
  64. I Don't Ever Give Up
  65. I Smell A Rat
  66. I Wonder
  67. I Write The Book
  68. Icicles
  69. If I Had My Way
  70. Irish Boy
  71. Just The Same
  72. Kite song
  73. La Libert
  74. Let Him Fly
  75. Let Your Freedom Ring
  76. Little Fire
  77. Little god
  78. Long ride home
  79. Long road
  80. Love throw a line
  81. Luminous Places
  82. Mad mission
  83. Made Of Clay
  84. Made Of The Sun
  85. Making pies
  86. Mama's Worried
  87. Mary
  88. Mil besos
  89. Mom & Dad’s Waltz
  90. Moon River
  91. Moses
  92. Mother of god
  93. Move Up
  94. Nebraska
  95. Never Been To Spain
  96. Never Grow Old
  97. Night
  98. No Bad News
  99. No More Illusions
  100. No More Pioneers
  101. Noble Ground
  102. Nobody's Crying
  103. Not A Bad Man
  104. Not alone
  105. Off You Go
  106. Ohio
  107. One Big Love
  108. One more girl
  109. Pa Janvier, Laisse-moi M'en Aller
  110. Perfect white girls
  111. Peter pan
  112. Poor man's house
  113. Railroad Wings
  114. Rain
  115. Regarding mary
  116. Rider Of Days
  117. River
  118. Rowing song
  119. Servant Of Love
  120. Shells
  121. Shine A Different Way
  122. Silber bell
  123. Snake Charmer
  124. So Long
  125. Someone Else's Tomorrow
  126. Sooner Or Later
  127. Sorry and sad
  128. Standing
  129. Stay On The Ride
  130. Stolen car
  131. Sweet lorraine
  132. Take It With Me
  133. That Kind Of Lonely
  134. The Longer You Wait
  135. The Strange Man
  136. The Wheel
  137. There Isn't One Way
  138. Time Of The Dance
  139. Time Will Do The Talking
  140. Tomorrow night
  141. Tony
  142. Top of the world
  143. Tracks Of My Tears
  144. Trapeze
  145. Truth
  146. Under These Clouds
  147. Unnecessary
  148. Up And Flying
  149. Up Or Down
  150. Up To The Mountain (MLK Song)
  151. Useless desires
  152. Vertigo
  153. Virgen de Guadalupe
  154. Wade In The Water
  155. Waiting For My Child
  156. Wayfaring Stranger
  157. We Are Water
  158. We Shall All Be Reunited
  159. What I Remember
  160. What Now
  161. What You Are
  162. When it don't come easy
  163. When Something's Broken
  164. Where I Come From
  165. White Dove
  166. Wiggley fingers
  167. Wild Old Dog
  168. Words
  169. You Never Asked Me
  170. You Never Get What You Want
  171. You'll Remember
  172. You're Not Alone

Patricia Jean Griffin, detta Patty (Old Town, 16 marzo 1964), è una cantautrice e musicista statunitense.

I testi delle canzoni di Patty Griffin seguono spesso certi schemi che puoi scoprire se presti attenzione. Sei pronto a scoprire quali sono?

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