Testi delle Canzoni di Phinehas

Ti piacciono le canzoni di Phinehas? Qui troverai i testi delle canzoni di Phinehas così che tu possa cantarle a squarciagola, adattarle a modo tuo o semplicemente capire bene ciò che dicono.

  1. A Pattern In Pain
  2. A War That Never Ends
  3. Bad Blood
  4. Blood On My Knuckles
  5. Book Of Names (feat. Garrett Russell)
  6. Break The Earth
  7. Burning Bright
  8. Communion For Ravens (feat. Jimmy Ryan)
  9. Coup De Grace
  10. Crowns
  11. Dark Flag
  12. David And The Gate
  13. Dead Choir
  14. Defining Moments
  15. Dream Thief
  16. Dyson Sphere
  17. Endkindler
  18. Eternally Apart
  19. Evening Gray And Morning Red
  20. Fleshkiller
  21. Forever West
  22. From a Burning Sun
  23. From One End Of The Sky To The Other
  24. Grace Disguised By Darkness
  25. Hell Bellow
  26. Holy Coward
  27. I Am The Lion
  28. I Saw The Bombs Fall
  29. Iliaster (More Than Skin)
  30. In The Night
  31. Know Death; Know Forever
  32. Manipulator's Wire
  33. Meaningless Names
  34. My Horses Are Many
  35. My Rosary
  36. Out Of Dust
  37. Panhammer
  38. Pendulum
  39. Salting The Mine
  40. Seven
  41. Severed By Self Betrayal
  42. Tetelestai
  43. The Blessing And The Curse
  44. The Deepest Of Graves
  45. The Fire Itself
  46. The Jungle
  47. The Wishing Well
  48. Thegodmachine: The Rider
  49. Thegodmachine: The Speaking Stone
  50. thorn
  51. Truth Be Told
  52. Twisted
  53. War You Know
  54. Well If The Earths Are Stopped, Then The Fox Faces The Hounds
  55. White Livered
  56. WWII

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