Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di Quiet Riot?
- Cum On Feel The Noise
- Cum on Feel the Noize
- Love's a Bitch
- Don't Wanna Let You Go
- Metal Health (Bang Your Head)
- Don't wanna be your fool
- Stay With Me Tonight
- Come On Feel The Noise
- Let's Get Crazy
- Mama Weer All Crazee Now
- The Wild And The Young
- (We Were) Born To Rock
- A Symbol Of Eight
- Afterglow (Of Your Love)
- Against The Wall
- Alive And Well
- All Day And All Of The Night
- All Wound Up
- Angry
- Back To The Coast
- Bad Boy
- Beggars And Thieves
- Black Reign
- Blind Faith
- Breaking Up Is A Heartache
- Breathless
- Calling The Shots
- Condition Critical
- Coppin' A Feel
- Covert Ascension
- Danger Zone
- Demolition Derby
- Dig
- Domination
- Don't Call It Love
- Don't Know What I Want
- Don't Think So
- Down And Dirty
- Down To The Bone
- Empty Promises
- Evil Woman
- Eye For An Eye
- Face To Face
- Fit To Be Tied
- Force Of Habit
- Free
- Get Your Kicks
- Glad All Over
- Hell Or High Water
- Helping Hands
- Highway To Hell
- I'm fallin'
- In A Rush
- In Harm's Way
- Infiltrator
- Inside You
- It Sucks To Be You
- It'S No So Funny
- It's Not So Funny
- Itchycoo Park
- Just How You Want It
- Killer Girls
- King Of The Hill
- Last Call For Rock And Roll
- Laughing Gas
- Live 'til It Hurts
- Look In Any Window
- Love Can Change You
- Main Attraction
- Mama's Little Angels
- Monday Morning Breakdown
- Old Habits Die Hard
- Party All Night
- Picking Up The Pieces
- Pretty Pack O' Lies
- Psycho City
- Put Up Or Shut Up
- Ravers
- Red Alert
- Riot Reunion
- Rise Or Fall
- Rude, Crude Mood
- Run For Cover
- Run To You
- Scream And Shout
- Sign Of The Times
- Slam Dunk
- Slave To Love
- Slick Black Cadillac
- South Of Heaven
- Still Of The Night
- Stomp Your Hands, Clap Your Feet
- Strange Daze
- The Joker
- The Pump
- Through The Ages
- Thunderbird
- Tin Soldier
- Trouble
- Trouble
- Trouble Again
- Twilight Hotel
- Twisted
- Voodoo Brew
- We Were Born To Rock
- We've Got The Magic
- Whatever It Takes
- Wings Of A Cloud
- Winners Take All
- You Drive Me Crazy
I Quiet Riot sono un gruppo musicale heavy metal statunitense, fondato a Los Angeles nel 1975 da Randy Rhoads e Kelly Garni.
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