Ti piacciono le canzoni di Regina Spektor? Qui troverai i testi delle canzoni di Regina Spektor così che tu possa cantarle a squarciagola, adattarle a modo tuo o semplicemente capire bene ciò che dicono.
Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di Regina Spektor?
Qui potrai scoprire quali sono le canzoni di Regina Spektor più ricercate.
- Two Birds
- Fidelity
- The Call
- You've Got Time
- Us
- Hero
- Eet
- Samson
- On The Radio
- The Prayer Of François Villon (Molitva)
- Après Moi
- Baobabs
- Bartender
- Blue Lips
- How
- Jessica
- Love, You're a Whore
- Man Of a Thousand Faces
- Raindrops
- Sailor Song
- The Flowers
- 2.99 Cent Blues
- 20 Years Of Snow
- 8th Floor
- A Cannon
- A Cooler Version
- A Lesson in How Fleeting Preservation Is
- AB
- Aching To Pupate
- Ain't No Cover
- All Is Love
- All The Rowboats
- All The Rowboats (Instrumental)
- Another Town
- Aquarius
- Ave Maria
- B.Y.O.S
- Baby Jesus
- Back Of A Truck
- Ballad Of A Politician
- Be Like a Cloud
- Bear Spektor
- Becoming All Alone
- Begin To Hope
- Belt
- Better
- Birdsong
- Black And White
- Bleeding Heart
- Bobbing For Apples
- Bon Idée
- Braille
- Buildings
- Call Them Brothers
- Carbon Monoxide
- Chelsea Hotel No. 2
- Chemo Limo
- Chicken Song
- Cinderella
- Coin
- Consequence of Sounds
- Dance Anthem of the 80's
- Daniel Cowman
- Dead Rat
- Dear Theodosia (feat. Ben Folds)
- December
- Definition of a Crazy Person
- Dog and Pony
- Don't Leave Me (Ne Me Quitte Pas)
- Dulce Et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori
- Düsseldorf
- Dust To Dust
- Edit
- End Of Thought
- Field Below
- Firewood
- Flyin'
- Folding Chair
- Genius Next Door
- Ghost of Corporate Future
- Grand Hotel
- Hallelujah
- Happy Hooker
- Hell No
- Hotel Song
- Human Of The Year
- I Cut Off My Hair
- I Want To Sing
- Ink Stains
- Just like the movies
- Kids
- Lacrimosa
- Lady
- Laughing With
- Left Hand Song
- Little Boxes
- Long Brown Hair
- Lounge
- Love Affair
- Love Affair (Instrumental)
- Love Me Or Leave Me (feat. Vince Giordano & The Nighthawks)
- Love Profusion
- Loveology
- Lucky Penny
- Lulliby
- Machine
- Machine (Instrumental)
- Making Records
- Mary Ann
- Mermaid
- Mockingbird
- Modern Girls & Old Fashioned Men (feat. Strokes)
- Musicbox
- My Dear Acquaintance
- My Man
- Ne Me Quitte Pas
- Nerver come back
- New Year
- No One
- No Surprises
- Obsolete
- Ode To Divorce
- Oedipus
- Oh Marcello!
- Old Jacket
- Older And Taller
- One Little Soldier
- One Man's Prayer
- One More Time With Feeling
- One-String Blues
- Open
- Opposite Ends (feat. The Crimea)
- Paris
- Patron Saint
- Pavlov's Daughter
- Poor Little Rich Boy
- Pound of Flesh
- Prisoners
- Pure Perfection
- Reading Time With Pickle
- Real Love
- Reginasaurus
- Rejazz
- Riot Gear
- Rockland County
- Scarecrow & fungus
- School Is Out
- Secret Stash
- Sellers Of Flowers
- Silly Eye Color Generalization
- Small Bill$
- Small Town Moon
- Soho
- Somedays
- Spacetime Fairytale
- SugarMan
- Summer In The City
- Sunshine
- That Time
- The Bronx
- The Calculation
- The Clocks Were Asleep
- The Devil Come To Bethlehem
- The Floor Heard Everything
- The Light
- The Mustard Musketeers
- The Noise
- The One Who Stayed And The One Who Left
- The Party
- The Soup
- The Sword and The Pen
- The Trapper And The Furrier
- The Virgin Queen
- The Visit
- The Wallet
- Through a Door
- Time is all around
- Tornadoland
- Uh-Merica
- Uncle Bobby
- Up The Mountain
- Walking Away
- Wasteside
- What Might've Been
- While My Guitar Gently Weeps
- Whispers
- Woolen Gloves
- You
- You Don't Know Me (feat. Ben Folds)
- Your Honor
Regina Il'inična Spektor (in russo Регина Ильинична Спектор?; Mosca, 18 febbraio 1980) è una cantautrice e pianista statunitense, di origine russa. La sua produzione musicale fa riferimento alla scena anti-folk dell'East Village di New York.
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I testi delle canzoni di Regina Spektor seguono spesso certi schemi che puoi scoprire se presti attenzione. Sei pronto a scoprire quali sono?
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Se hai trovato la canzone di Regina Spektor che ti piace in questa lista, condividila con i tuoi cari.
A volte le canzoni di Regina Spektor ci aiutano ad esprimere ciò che pensiamo o sentiamo. È il tuo caso?