Testi delle Canzoni di Resurrection Band

Qui potrai scoprire quali sono le canzoni di Resurrection Band più ricercate.

  1. The Crossing
  2. 2,000
  3. 80,000 Underground
  4. Across These Fields
  5. Across These Fields Reprise
  6. Afrikaans
  7. Alienated
  8. Altar Of Pain
  9. Amazing
  10. An American Dream
  11. Ananias And Sapphira
  12. Area 312
  13. At Land's End
  14. Attention
  15. Autograph
  16. Awaiting Your Reply
  17. Babylon
  18. Bargain
  19. Beggar In The Alleyway
  20. Benny And Sue
  21. Beyond The Gun
  22. Broken Promises
  23. Can't Do It On My Own
  24. Can't Get You Out Of My Mind
  25. Can't Stop Loving You
  26. Child Of The Blues
  27. City Streets
  28. Colours
  29. Comatose
  30. Concert For a King
  31. Crimes
  32. Dark Carnival
  33. Dead To The World
  34. Death Machine
  35. Death Of The Dying
  36. Defective Youth
  37. Elevator Muzik
  38. Empty Hearts
  39. Every Time It Rains
  40. Every Waking Hour
  41. Fiend Or Foul
  42. First Degree Apathy
  43. Footprints
  44. Golden Road
  45. Great God In Heaven
  46. Heart's Desire
  47. Hidden Man
  48. Hot Footin'
  49. I Need Your Love
  50. I Think You Know
  51. If Your Love Grows Cold
  52. In Change
  53. In My Room
  54. Irish Garden
  55. It's You
  56. Land Of Stolen Breath
  57. Laughing Man
  58. Light/Light
  59. Lightshine
  60. Lincoln's Train
  61. Little Children
  62. Little Jeanie
  63. Lonely Hearts
  64. Love Comes Down
  65. Lovespeak
  66. Lovin' You
  67. Mannequin's Dream
  68. Midnight Son
  69. Military Man
  70. Mirror
  71. Mission Bells
  72. Mommy Don't Love Daddy Anymore
  73. N.Y.C.
  74. Nervous World
  75. No Alibi
  76. Numbers
  77. On My Dyin' Bed
  78. On The Move
  79. Paint a Picture
  80. Parting Glance
  81. Pauper's Grave
  82. Players
  83. Presence Of The Lord
  84. Rain Dance
  85. Rainbow’s End
  86. Reach of Love
  87. Reluctance
  88. Richest One
  89. Right On Time
  90. Rooster Crow
  91. S.O.S.
  92. Sacrifice Of Love
  93. Save Me From Myself
  94. Shadows
  95. Silence Screams
  96. Skyline
  97. So In Love With You
  98. Somebody To Love
  99. Someone Sleeps
  100. Song and Dance
  101. Souls For Hire
  102. Stark/Spare
  103. Strongman
  104. Summerthrow
  105. Sunrise
  106. Surprised
  107. Talk To Me
  108. Tears In The Rain
  109. The Chair
  110. The House Is On Fire
  111. The Main Event
  112. The Prisoner
  113. The Return
  114. The Road
  115. The Struggle
  116. The Wolfsong
  117. Thought I'd Never Love Again
  118. Three Seconds
  119. Two Thousand
  120. Waitin' On Sundown
  121. Walk Away
  122. Walk On
  123. Waves
  124. Where Roses Grow
  125. White Lies
  126. White Noise
  127. Who's Real Anymore
  128. You Get What You Choose
  129. You Got Me Rockin'
  130. Zuid Afrikan

I Resurrection Band, noti anche come Rez Band o REZ, sono stati un gruppo christian rock attivo dal 1972 al 2000.

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Per scoprire gli schemi delle canzoni di Resurrection Band, devi solo leggere attentamente i testi delle loro canzoni, prestando attenzione non solo a ciò che dicono, ma anche a come sono costruiti.

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