Trova qui i testi delle tue canzoni preferite di Roger McGuinn.
- Bye Bye, Baby
- (Please Not) One More Time
- A Secret Side Of You
- Ain't No Money
- Alabama Bound
- All Night Long
- American Girl
- Angel
- Back From Rio Interlude
- Backstage Pass
- Bag Full Of Money
- Ballad of Easy Rider
- Beach Ball
- Better Change
- Between You And Me
- Born To Rock & Roll
- Bulldog
- Cane Blues
- Car Phone
- Chestnut Mare
- Circle Song
- City
- Daddy Roll 'Em
- Deeper In
- Dink's Song
- Dixie Highway
- Do What You Want To
- Don't You Write Her Off
- Draggin'
- Dreamland
- Easy Does It
- Eight Miles High
- Entertainment
- Fair Nottamun Town
- Feelin' Higher
- Finnegan's Wake
- Fireworks
- Friend
- Gate Of Horn
- Givin' herself away
- Going To The Country
- Golden Loom
- Hanoi Hannah
- Heartbreak Hotel
- Heave Away
- I'm Not Lonely Anymore
- I'm So Restless
- If We Never Meet Again
- In The Evenin
- It's Gone
- John Riley
- John The Revelator
- Jolly Roger
- King For a Night
- King Of The Hill
- Knockin' On Heaven's Door
- Let Me Down Easy
- Lisa
- Little Mama
- Long Long Time
- Lost My Driving Wheel
- Love Me Tonight
- Lover Of The Bayou
- M'linda
- May The Road Rise
- Mean Streets
- Mr. Spaceman
- Mr. Tambourine Man
- My New Woman
- One More Chance
- Painted Fire
- Painted Lady
- Partners In Crime
- Peace On You
- Pete's Song
- Pretty Polly
- Release Me Girl
- Rock And Roll Time
- Russian Hill
- Sad Boy
- Sail Away Lady
- Same Old Sound
- Skate Date
- So Long
- So You Want To Be A Rock 'N' Roll Star
- Somebody Loves You
- Someone To Love
- Soul Shoes
- Stone
- Stopping Traffic
- Street Walk
- Suddenly Blue
- Surrender To Me
- Take Me Away
- The Bells of Rhymney
- The Bonny Ship The Diamond
- The Brazos River
- The Lady
- The Time Has Come
- The Trees Are All Gone
- The Virgin Mary
- The Water Is Wide
- Time Cube
- Together
- Trouble In Mind
- Turn Your Radio On
- Turn! Turn! Turn!
- Up To Me
- Wagoner's Lad
- We Can Do It All Over Again
- Whiskey In The Jar
- Who Taught The Night
- Why Baby Why
- Wild Mountain Thyme
- Willie Moore
- Without You
- Without Your Love
- Won't Let You Down
- You Bowed Down
- You Showed Me
- Your Love Is A Gold Mine
Roger McGuinn, nato James Joseph McGuinn III (Chicago, 13 luglio 1942), è un cantante e chitarrista statunitense, che è stato uno dei fondatori del gruppo musicale californiano The Byrds.
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