Ti piacciono le canzoni di Sesame Street (Vila Sésamo)? Qui troverai i testi delle canzoni di Sesame Street (Vila Sésamo) così che tu possa cantarle a squarciagola, adattarle a modo tuo o semplicemente capire bene ciò che dicono.
Trova qui i testi delle tue canzoni preferite di Sesame Street (Vila Sésamo).
Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di Sesame Street (Vila Sésamo)?
Qui potrai scoprire quali sono le canzoni di Sesame Street (Vila Sésamo) più ricercate.
- Elmo's Song
- Elbows And Knees
- A Cat Had A Birthday
- Beginning, Middle And An End
- What Do You Do With A Fruit?
- A Song From Kermit
- A Very Simple Dance
- A, You're Adorable
- Alphabet Soup
- Behind Your Face
- Born To Add
- Bus Stop
- Captain Vegetable
- Count It Higher
- Creature Feature
- Dee, Dee, Dee
- Different Ways
- Do De Rubber Duck
- Doing The Family Thing
- Five People In My Family
- Four
- Glad To Have A Friend Like You
- The Ballad Of The Sad Cafe
- The First Day Of School
- The Fox And The Crow
- The Grouch Song
- The Last Cookie Roundup
- The Monster In The Mirror
- The Name Song
- Things That I Already Know
- Toucan Two-Step
- Transylvania Love Call
- Two Heads Are Better Than
- Visit The Moon
- What's The Name Of That Song?
- When Bert's Not Here
- You're A Family
- 14 Carrot Love
- A Bark In The Dark
- A Birdie's Eye
- A Brand New Baby
- A Face
- A Friend For All Seasons
- A Gift
- A Hole In The Bucket
- A Letter To Ling Lu
- A Little Bit (At The Beginning)
- A New Way To Walk
- A Really Good Feeling
- A Song Without A Reason, A Song Without A Rhyme
- Abierto
- Above It All
- Achoo!
- Adding
- Adventure
- African Alphabet
- Ain't No Road Too Long
- Air
- All By Myself ... Well, Why Not?
- All Dressed Up
- Alphabet Bully
- Alphabet Jungle
- Alphaquest
- Animal Department Store
- As Is
- Ask Some Questions
- B Or Not A B
- Baby Blankie Blues
- Baby, Say it Loud!
- Bats In My Belfry
- Bayou Alphabet
- Be My D
- Be-Doodle
- Bein' Green
- Being A Pig
- Believe In Yourself
- Bert And Ernie And The Fan
- Bert's Lament
- Bert's Love Song
- Between
- Big Blue Marble
- Big Kids Cry
- Big Round Nose
- Blue Suede Shoes
- Blueberry Mouth
- Bones (Inside Of You)
- Breakfast Time
- Bubble On My Snuffle
- Butterfly
- C Drives Me Crazy
- C Is For Cookie
- Calcutta Joe
- Capital I
- Caribbean Amphibian
- Catch Another Butterfly
- Celery Bunch
- Cereal Girl
- Chopsticks
- Circles
- Clucky Clucky Chicken
- Cold
- Cookie Disco
- Couldn't We Ride
- Count On Me
- Count Up To Nine
- Counting Is Wonderful
- Country In The City
- Couple Of Grouches
- D-u-c-k-i-e
- Daddy Dear
- Dance Myself To Sleep
- Danger's No Stranger
- Dear Mr. Cookie (You Made Me Love You)
- Dinner For 9
- Disco Frog
- Do The Benny Hop
- Do The Dog
- Doin The Trash
- Doin' The Pigeon
- Doing The Penguin
- Don't Eat The Pictures
- Down Below The Street
- Down By The Old Mill Stream
- Dressed Up
- Durango Mountain Caballero
- Easy Going Day
- Eatin' Cookie
- Eight Beautiful Notes
- Eleven Morning
- Elmo And The Lavender Moon
- Elmo's Opera Lullaby
- Everybody Eats
- Everybody Sleeps
- Everyone Likes Ice Cream
- Everyone Makes Mistakes
- Everything Goes
- Feelings
- Felines
- Fiesta
- Five
- Five Bears In The Bed
- Five Monsters In My Family
- Fixing My Hair
- Follow The Arrows
- Forty Blocks From My Home
- Frazzle
- Friendship
- Frogs In The Glen
- Front Back Dancing Yaks
- Funny Farm
- Fur
- Furry Happy Monsters
- Garbage
- Gingerbread Man
- Nearly Missed
- Sunny Days
- The Alligator King
- The Alphabet
- The Ball Goes Up
- The Ballad Of Casey Macphee
- The Batty Bat
- The Chicken Or The Egg
- The Christmas Wish
- The Count's Lullaby
- The Counts Birdy-Pox Lullaby
- The Counts Lullaby
- The Dancing Uncles
- The E Song
- The Elephant Elevator Operator
- The First Time It Happens
- The Garden
- The Garden Song
- The Grouch Anthem
- The Happiest Street In the World
- The Honker Duckie Dinger Jamboree
- The Insects In Your Neighbourhood
- The J Song
- The Land Of Eight
- The Land Of Six
- The Letter N
- The Monsters Three Wishes
- The Moon Shines
- The Pinball Song
- The Rainbow Connection
- The Scale Song
- The Seven Tiny Little Mice
- The Sound of the Letter A
- The Tale Of Tom Tattertall Tuttletut
- The Ten Commandments Of Health
- The Three Pretty Kitties
- The Word Is No
- The Worm Co-operation Song
- There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea
- There's A Lot Of Different Ways To Get To School
- There's No Letter Better Than B
- Things Are Always Changing
- Thinking Of U
- This Frog
- Toreador L Song
- Touch, Hold, Reach
- True Blue Miracle
- True Mud
- Tu Me Gustas (I Like You)
- Twelveia
- Two
- Two Little Dolls
- V - Vine
- Wavin' Goodbye To You With My Heart
- We All Sing With The Same Voice
- We Are All Earthlings
- We're Alive
- Wet Paint
- What Are Kids Called
- What Do I Do When I'm Alone?
- What Do You Do With A Pet?
- What Is Friend?
- What makes music?
- What's It Like To Be In School?
- When I'm Itchy, I Scratch
- When Muppets Cry
- When The River Meets The Sea
- When We Grow Up
- When You Grow Up
- Who Am I?
- Who You Looking At Tiger?
- Willie Wimple
- Windy Day
- Wonderful Me
- X Marks The Spot
- Yankee Doodle
- Yip Yip Family
- You Moon
- You're Alive
- You're Beautiful (Just As You Are)
- You're Gonna Be A Star
- You're My Baby
- Zig Zag Dance
- ZZ Blues
Potrebbe darsi che tu non sia un grande fan di Sesame Street (Vila Sésamo), forse sei qui solo per una canzone di Sesame Street (Vila Sésamo) che ti piace, ma dai un'occhiata al resto, potrebbero sorprenderti.
I testi delle canzoni di Sesame Street (Vila Sésamo) seguono spesso certi schemi che puoi scoprire se presti attenzione. Sei pronto a scoprire quali sono?
Analizzare i testi delle canzoni di Sesame Street (Vila Sésamo) può essere molto divertente e se ti piace comporre, può aiutarti a trovare formule per creare le tue composizioni.
Speriamo che ti piacciano questi testi delle canzoni di Sesame Street (Vila Sésamo) e che ti siano utili.
Come sempre, cerchiamo di migliorare e crescere, quindi se non hai trovato i testi delle canzoni di Sesame Street (Vila Sésamo) che cercavi, torna presto, poiché aggiorniamo frequentemente i nostri database per offrire tutte le canzoni di Sesame Street (Vila Sésamo) e di molti altri artisti il più rapidamente possibile.
Se hai trovato la canzone di Sesame Street (Vila Sésamo) che ti piace in questa lista, condividila con i tuoi cari.
A volte le canzoni di Sesame Street (Vila Sésamo) ci aiutano ad esprimere ciò che pensiamo o sentiamo. È il tuo caso?