Testi delle Canzoni di Shawn James

Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di Shawn James?

  1. Through The Valley
  2. Ain't No Sunshine
  3. The Guardian (Ellie's Song)
  4. I Try
  5. The Curse Of The Fold
  6. Flow
  7. Pendulum Swing
  8. Son Of The Wolf
  9. Almost Home
  10. American Hearts
  11. Arkansas
  12. Burn The Witch
  13. Hellhound
  14. Love Will Find a Way I
  15. Love Will Find a Way II
  16. Michelle's Song
  17. Midnight Dove
  18. One I Love
  19. Orpheus
  20. That's Life
  21. The Thief and the Moon
  22. A Good Friend Is Hard To Find
  23. Along Our Way
  24. Attached
  25. Back Down
  26. Belly Of The Beast
  27. Brighter Day
  28. Brother
  29. Captain Stormalong
  30. Chapter V: The Raven Mocker
  31. Chicago
  32. Crossroads
  33. Dear Soldier
  34. Delilah
  35. Deliverance
  36. Eating Like Kings
  37. Funny Little Feeling
  38. Ghost
  39. Haunted
  40. Hunger
  41. I Want More
  42. If That's Love
  43. Insane
  44. Lead The Way
  45. Lift Us Up
  46. Like a Stone
  47. Losing My Religion
  48. No Blood From a Stone
  49. No One Knows
  50. No Rest
  51. Not Alone
  52. Number Of The Beast
  53. Only Cowards Drop Bombs
  54. Preacher Foretold
  55. Rake
  56. Refuge
  57. Six Shells (The Outlaw's Anthem)
  58. Snake Eyes
  59. Sodom & Gomorrah
  60. The Devil Is My Running Mate
  61. The Devil's Daughter
  62. The Devil's Daughters
  63. The Shadow
  64. The Stones Cried Out
  65. The Wanderer
  66. The Weak End
  67. The Wild One
  68. There It Is
  69. Through The Valley (Extended)
  70. War
  71. What Dreams May Come
  72. When I'm Gone
  73. When It Rains It Pours
  74. Choices

Shawn Fitzalbert James (10 settembre 1983) è un ex cestista guyanese con cittadinanza statunitense che giocava principalmente nella posizione di centro. È fratello di Delroy James, anch'egli cestista.

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