Testi delle Canzoni di Silkk The Shocker

Ti piacciono le canzoni di Silkk The Shocker? Qui troverai i testi delle canzoni di Silkk The Shocker così che tu possa cantarle a squarciagola, adattarle a modo tuo o semplicemente capire bene ciò che dicono.

Qui potrai scoprire quali sono le canzoni di Silkk The Shocker più ricercate.

  1. 1 Morning
  2. Ain't Nothing(feat. Mo B. Dick)
  3. All Because Of You(feat. Mia X)
  4. All Night
  5. Beef(feat. C-Murder, Krazy)
  6. D-Game (Remix)(feat. 504 Boyz)
  7. End Of The Road
  8. Executive Thug(feat. Slay Sean, Short Circuit)
  9. For Money
  10. Free Loaders(feat. Master P)
  11. Funny Guy
  12. Get It Up(feat. Snoop Dogg)
  13. Ghetto 211(feat. Master P)
  14. Ghetto Rain(feat. Master P)
  15. Ghetto Tears(feat. Master P)
  16. Give Me The World
  17. Got Em Fiendin'(feat. Big Ed, Master P)
  18. Haters(feat. Samm)
  19. He Did That(feat. Mac, Master P)
  20. How Many...(feat. Mia X, Mystikal, TRU)
  21. How We Mobb(feat. Master P)
  22. I Ain't Takin No Shorts
  23. I Represent
  24. I Want To Be With You(feat. O'Dell)
  25. I'm A Soldier(feat. No Limit All-Stars)
  26. I'm Coming
  27. If I Don't Gotta(feat. Fiend, Master P)
  28. If It Don't Make $
  29. If My 9 Could Talk
  30. It Ain't My Fault 2(feat. Mystikal)
  31. It Takes More(feat. Ghetto Commission)
  32. It's Going Around Outside
  33. It's Time To Ride(feat. Master P)
  34. Just 'B' Straight(feat. Master P)
  35. Let Me Hit It(feat. Mystikal)
  36. Made Man
  37. Mama Always Told Me(feat. C-Murder, Eightball, Master P)
  38. Me And You(feat. Master P)
  39. Mr. '99
  40. MR.(feat. Master P)
  41. Murder(feat. Big Ed, Master P)
  42. My Car(feat. Mo B. Dick, Pure Passion)
  43. My Homie(feat. C-Murder, Master P)
  44. My World, My Way
  45. Na Na Na(feat. Master P)
  46. No Limit Party(feat. Master P, Mia X)
  47. Pop Lockin'(feat. Goldie Loc, Snoop Dogg)
  48. Seem Like A Thug(feat. Erica Fox)
  49. Somebody Like Me(feat. Mya)
  50. SouthSide Niggas(feat. C-Murder)
  51. Tell Me(feat. Master P, C-Murder)
  52. That's Cool
  53. The One
  54. The Shocker(feat. Master P)
  55. Them Boyz(feat. Mystikal)
  56. This For My...(feat. Fiend)
  57. Throw Yo Hood Up(feat. Master P, Snoop Doggy Dogg)
  58. Thug 'N' Me(feat. Master P, Mo B. Dick, Peaches)
  59. We Can Dance
  60. We Won't Stop(feat. C-Murder, Master P)
  61. What Gangsta's Do(feat. Kane & Abel, Mo B. Dick)
  62. What I'm Looking For
  63. What's Heaven Like
  64. Where Dey At
  65. Who Can I Trust
  66. Who I Be
  67. You Ain't Gotta Lie To Kick It(feat. Big Ed, Mia X)

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Se hai trovato la canzone di Silkk The Shocker che ti piace in questa lista, condividila con i tuoi cari.