Testi delle Canzoni di Squeeze

Trova qui i testi delle tue canzoni preferite di Squeeze.

Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di Squeeze?

Qui potrai scoprire quali sono le canzoni di Squeeze più ricercate.

  1. Tempted
  2. Last Time Forever
  3. F-hole
  4. Heaven Knows
  5. (This could be) the last time
  6. 853-5937
  7. A moving story
  8. Action speaks faster
  9. Ain't it sad
  10. Annie Get Your Gun
  11. Another Nail For My Heart
  12. Bang bang
  13. Big beng
  14. Black Coffee In Bed
  15. Blood and Guts
  16. Bonkers
  17. Break my heart
  18. By your side
  19. Can of worms
  20. Christmas Day
  21. Cigarette Of A Single Man
  22. Cold shoulder
  23. Cool For Cats
  24. Crying in my sleep
  25. Cupid's toy
  26. Daphne
  27. Domino
  28. Donkey talk
  29. Dr. Jazz
  30. Electric trains
  31. Elephant girl
  32. Everything in the world
  33. Farfisa Beat
  34. Fingertips
  35. First thing wrong
  36. Footprints
  37. Funny how it goes
  38. Get smart
  39. Gone to the dogs
  40. Goodbye Girl
  41. Got to me
  42. Great escape
  43. Grouch of the day
  44. Hard to Find
  45. Heartbreak
  46. Heartbreaking world
  47. Heaven
  48. Here comes that feeling
  49. Hesitation
  50. His house her home
  51. Hits of the year
  52. Hop, skip and jump
  53. Hope fell down
  54. Hourglass
  55. House of love
  56. I can't get up anymore
  57. I can't hold on
  58. I learnt how to pray
  59. I must go
  60. I Think I'm Go-Go
  61. I want you
  62. I won't ever go drinking again
  63. I've returned
  64. If I Didn't Love You
  65. If It's Love
  66. Images of loving
  67. In quintessence
  68. In the morning
  69. In today's room
  70. Is it too late
  71. Is That Love?
  72. It's not cricket
  73. It's over
  74. It's so dirty
  75. Jolly comes home
  76. King George Street
  77. La Isla Bonita
  78. Labelled With Love
  79. Letting go
  80. Little king
  81. Long face
  82. Lost for words
  83. Love Circles
  84. Love's a four letter word
  85. Love's crashing waves
  86. Loving you tonight
  87. Maidstone
  88. Man for all seasons
  89. Melody motel
  90. Messed around
  91. Misadventure
  92. Model
  93. Mumbo jumbo
  94. Night Nurse
  95. No Place Like Home
  96. On my mind tonight
  97. Onto the Dance Floor
  98. Out Of Control
  99. Out of touch
  100. Peyton place
  101. Piccadilly
  102. Picking up the pieces
  103. Pinocchio
  104. Play on
  105. Points of view
  106. Pulling Mussels
  107. Pulling Mussels From The Shell
  108. Remember what
  109. Revue
  110. Rose I said
  111. Satisfied
  112. Separate beds
  113. Sex Master
  114. She doesn't have to shave
  115. Short break
  116. Slap And Tickle
  117. Slaughtered, gutted and heartbroken
  118. Sleeping with a friend
  119. Slightly drunk
  120. Some Americans
  121. Some fantastic place
  122. Someone else's bell
  123. Someone else's heart
  124. Sound asleep
  125. Spanish guitar
  126. Splitting into three
  127. Squabs on forty fab
  128. Stranger than the stranger on the shore
  129. Striking Matches
  130. Strong In Reason
  131. Sunday street
  132. Take Me I'm Yours
  133. Talk to him
  134. Tears for attention
  135. Temptation for love
  136. The apple tree
  137. The call
  138. The day I get home
  139. The elephant ride
  140. The fortnight saga
  141. The prisoner
  142. The truth
  143. The very first dance
  144. The waiting game
  145. There at the top
  146. There is a voice
  147. There's no tomorrow
  148. Third rail
  149. This summer
  150. To be a dad
  151. Tongue like a knife
  152. Touching me, touching you
  153. Tough love
  154. True colours (the storm)
  155. Trust Me To Open My Mouth
  156. Up The Junction
  157. Vanity fair
  158. Vicky Verky
  159. Wagon train
  160. Walk a straight line
  161. Walk away
  162. Wedding bells
  163. What the butler saw
  164. What's wrong with this picture?
  165. When love goes to sleep
  166. When the hangover strikes
  167. Who are you?
  168. Wicked and cruel
  169. Within these walls of without you
  170. Without you here
  171. Woman's world
  172. Wrong Side Of The Moon
  173. You can't hurt the girl

I testi delle canzoni di Squeeze seguono spesso certi schemi che puoi scoprire se presti attenzione. Sei pronto a scoprire quali sono?

Per scoprire gli schemi delle canzoni di Squeeze, devi solo leggere attentamente i testi delle loro canzoni, prestando attenzione non solo a ciò che dicono, ma anche a come sono costruiti.

Analizzare i testi delle canzoni di Squeeze può essere molto divertente e se ti piace comporre, può aiutarti a trovare formule per creare le tue composizioni.

A volte le canzoni di Squeeze ci aiutano ad esprimere ciò che pensiamo o sentiamo. È il tuo caso?