Testi delle Canzoni di Starflyer 59

  1. All The Time
  2. Blue Collar Love
  3. The Boulevard
  4. 20 Dollar Bills
  5. 2nd Space Song
  6. A Dethroned King
  7. A Holiday Song (Happy Holidays)
  8. A Housewife Love Song
  9. A Kissing Song
  10. All My Friends Who Play Guitar
  11. All You Want Are the Things I Need
  12. Altercation
  13. Automatic
  14. Bicycle Rider
  15. Can You Play Drums?
  16. Card Games And Old Friends
  17. Concentrate
  18. Days Of Lamech
  19. Do You Ever Feel That Way
  20. Droned
  21. Duel Overhead Cam
  22. E.P. Nights
  23. Everyone But Me
  24. Father John
  25. Fell In Love At 22
  26. First Heart Attack
  27. Give Up The War
  28. Going Places
  29. Goodbyes Are Sad
  30. Happy Days Are Here Again
  31. Harmony
  32. Hazel Would
  33. Help Me When You're Gone
  34. I Drive a Lot
  35. I Feel Black
  36. I Like Your Photographs
  37. I Love You Like The Little Bird
  38. I Was 17
  39. I Win
  41. Indiana
  42. Is This All There Is
  43. Just Try
  44. Le Vainqueur
  45. Loved Ones
  46. M23
  47. Major Awards
  48. Messed Up Over You
  49. Minor Keys
  50. Monterey
  51. Mr. Martin
  52. My Light
  53. My Name
  54. New Wife, New Life
  55. Night Music
  56. No More Shows
  57. No New Kinda Story
  58. Old
  59. One Shot Juanita
  60. Open Hands
  61. Passengers
  62. Play The C Chord
  63. Pot Of Gold
  64. Red Tide
  65. Samson
  66. She Only Knows
  67. Shut Your Mouth
  68. Sled
  69. Somewhere When Your Heart Glowed The Hope
  70. Starflyer 2000 (Reprise)
  71. Stop Wasting Your Whole Life/Messed Up And Down
  72. Sundown
  73. Taxi
  74. The Birthrite
  75. The Brightest of The Head
  76. The Dungeon
  77. The Fashion Focus
  78. The Heartaker
  79. The Lights On
  80. The Party
  81. The Translator
  82. The Voyager
  83. The Zenith
  84. Things like this help me
  85. This I Don't Need
  86. Through My Door
  87. Too Much Fun
  88. Unbelievers
  89. Underneath
  90. We Want It Bad
  91. We're The Ordinary
  92. When I Learn To Sing
  93. When No One Calls (It Will Be All Right)
  94. When You Feel Miserable
  95. Who Said It's Easy?
  96. You Don't Miss Me
  97. You Think You're Radical
  98. You're Mean
  99. Your Company

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I testi delle canzoni di Starflyer 59 seguono spesso certi schemi che puoi scoprire se presti attenzione. Sei pronto a scoprire quali sono?

Per scoprire gli schemi delle canzoni di Starflyer 59, devi solo leggere attentamente i testi delle loro canzoni, prestando attenzione non solo a ciò che dicono, ma anche a come sono costruiti.

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