Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di Sunset Rubdown?
- A Day In The Graveyard II
- Apollo and the Buffalo and Anna Anna Anna Oh!
- Black Swan
- Child-Heart Losers
- Claxxon's Lament
- Colt Stands Up, Grows Horns
- Coming To At Dawn
- Dragon's Lair
- For The Pier (And Dead Shimmering)
- Give up the Ghost
- Hey you Handsome Vulture
- Hope You Don't Stoop to Dirty Words
- Hope You Don't Stoop to Dirty Words II
- I Know The Weight Of Your Throat
- I'll Believe in Anything You'll Believe in Anything
- I'm Sorry I Sang on Your Hands That Have Been in the Grave
- Idiot Heart
- It Wouldn't Let Them Down
- Jason Believes Me, You Can't Trust Your Dreams
- Magic vs. Midas
- Nightingale/December Song
- Paper Lace
- Setting vs. Rising
- Shut Up I Am Dreaming Of Places Where Lovers Have Wings
- Silver Moons
- Snake's Got A Leg
- Snake's Got a Leg (acoustic segue alt. version)
- Snake's Got A Leg II
- Snake's Got A Leg IIII
- Stadiums and Shrines
- Stadiums And Shrines II
- Stallion
- Swimming
- The Courtesan Has Sung
- The Dust You Kick up is Too Fine
- The Empty Threats of Little Lord
- The Men are Called Horsemen There
- The Mending of the Gown
- The Taming Of The Hands That Came Back To Life
- The Weather can turn on you
- They Took a Vote and Said No
- Three Colours
- Three Colours II
- Trumpet, Trumpet, Toot! Toot!
- Up on your Leopard, Upon the End of your Feral Days
- Us Ones in Between
- We Got Broken Eyes
- Wicked Things
- You are a Runner
- You Go On Ahead (Trumpet, Trumpet II)
I testi delle canzoni di Sunset Rubdown seguono spesso certi schemi che puoi scoprire se presti attenzione. Sei pronto a scoprire quali sono?
Analizzare i testi delle canzoni di Sunset Rubdown può essere molto divertente e se ti piace comporre, può aiutarti a trovare formule per creare le tue composizioni.
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Se hai trovato la canzone di Sunset Rubdown che ti piace in questa lista, condividila con i tuoi cari.