Testi delle Canzoni di Take 6

Ti piacciono le canzoni di Take 6? Qui troverai i testi delle canzoni di Take 6 così che tu possa cantarle a squarciagola, adattarle a modo tuo o semplicemente capire bene ciò che dicono.

  1. David And Goliath
  2. Jesus Makes Me Happy
  3. So Cool
  4. Something Within Me
  5. 5 Minutes With God
  6. A Few More Miles
  7. A Quiet Place
  8. A Tisket A Tasket
  9. All I Need (is a Chance)
  10. Away In A Manger
  11. Beautiful World
  12. Biggest Part Of Me
  13. Bless This House
  14. Can't Imagine Love Without You
  15. Can't Keep Goin' On And On
  16. Can't Stop Thinkin 'Bout You
  17. Chance Of A Lifetime
  18. Come On
  19. Come Unto Me
  20. Delilah
  21. Destiny
  22. Do Right
  23. Don't Give Up
  24. Don't Let Go
  25. Down Here I've Done My Best
  26. Even Though
  27. Evermore
  28. Everybody Ought To Know
  29. Family Of Love
  30. Farther Along
  31. Feels Good
  32. Fly Away
  33. Get Away Jordan
  34. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
  35. Gold Mine
  36. Harmony
  37. He Is Christmas
  38. He Never Sleeps
  39. How Deep Is Your Love
  40. How Sweet Is To Be Loved By You
  41. I Believe
  42. I L-o-v-e U
  43. I Will Aways Love You
  44. I'll Be There
  45. I'm On My Way
  46. I've Got Life
  47. If we ever (P. D.)
  48. If You Only Knew
  49. It's Gonna Rain
  50. Just In Time
  51. Lamb of God
  52. Let The Words
  53. Love And Harmony
  54. Lullaby
  55. Mary
  56. Milky-White Way
  57. More Than Ever
  58. My Friend
  59. Nothin But Love
  60. Oh Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion
  61. On Your Side
  62. One
  63. One And The Same
  64. Over The Hill is Home
  65. People Get Ready
  66. Sailing (remix)
  67. Set U Free
  68. Sing a Song
  69. Smile
  70. So much 2 say
  71. Someday We'll All Be Free
  72. Someone To Watch Over Me
  73. Sonshine
  74. Spread Love
  75. Sunday's On The Way
  76. The Best Stuff In The World Today Café
  77. The Christmas Songs
  78. This is Another Day
  79. Time After Time
  80. U Turn
  81. Wade In The Water
  82. Wait For The Sunshine
  83. Walk On The Wild Side
  84. We Don't Have To Cry
  85. What A Friend We Have In Jesus
  86. Where Do The Children Play?
  87. Why I Feel This Way
  88. Windmills Of Your Mind
  89. Wings Of Your Prayer
  90. You Can Make It (Go On!)
  91. You Can Never Ask Too Much (Of Love)
  92. You Don't Have To Be Afraid
  93. You'll Be Waiting For Me

I Take 6 sono un gruppo musicale statunitense di genere gospel/a cappella, attivo dal 1987 e originario di Huntsville (Alabama).

Potrebbe darsi che tu non sia un grande fan di Take 6, forse sei qui solo per una canzone di Take 6 che ti piace, ma dai un'occhiata al resto, potrebbero sorprenderti.

Speriamo che ti piacciano questi testi delle canzoni di Take 6 e che ti siano utili.

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