Testi delle Canzoni di The Foreshadowing

Qui potrai scoprire quali sono le canzoni di The Foreshadowing più ricercate.

  1. 17
  2. Aftermaths
  3. Chant Of Widows
  4. Cold Waste
  5. Colonies
  6. Days Of Nothing
  7. Death Is Our Freedom
  8. Departure
  9. Eschaton
  10. Fall Of Heroes
  11. Fallen Reign
  12. Friends Of Pain
  13. Ground Zero
  14. Havoc
  15. Hope. She's In The Water
  16. Into The Lips Of The Earth
  17. Ladykiller
  18. Last Minute Train
  19. Lost Humanity
  20. Lost Soldiers
  21. Martyrdom
  22. New Babylon
  23. Nimrod
  24. Noli Timere
  25. Oionos
  26. Outcast
  27. Outsiders
  28. Reverie Is a Tyrant
  29. Russians (Sting Cover)
  30. Second World
  31. Survivors Sleep
  32. The Dawning
  33. The Fall
  34. The Forsake Son
  35. The Wandering
  36. Two Horizons
  37. Until We Fail

The Foreshadowing sono una gothic/doom metal band con influenze ambient nata a Roma nel 2005.

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