Testi delle Canzoni di The Hold Steady

Ti piacciono le canzoni di The Hold Steady? Qui troverai i testi delle canzoni di The Hold Steady così che tu possa cantarle a squarciagola, adattarle a modo tuo o semplicemente capire bene ciò che dicono.

Trova qui i testi delle tue canzoni preferite di The Hold Steady.

  1. The Bear And The Maiden Fair
  2. 212-Margarita
  3. 40 Bucks
  4. A Slight Discomfort
  5. Almost Everything
  6. American Music
  7. Arms and Hearts
  8. Ask Her for Some Adderall
  9. Atlantic City
  10. Banging Camp
  11. Barely Breathing
  12. Barfruit Blues
  13. Big Cig
  14. Both Crosses
  15. Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window?
  16. Cattle And The Creeping Things
  17. Certain Songs
  18. Charlemagne In Sweatpants
  19. Cheyenne Sunrise
  20. Chicago Seemed Tired Last Night
  21. Chillout Tent
  22. Chips Ahoy!
  23. Citrus
  24. Constructive Summer
  25. Crucifixion Cruise
  26. Curves & Nerves
  27. Don't Let Me Explode
  28. First Night
  29. For Boston
  30. Girls Like Status
  31. Hornets! Hornets!
  32. Hostile, Mass.
  33. Hot Fries
  34. Hot Soft Light
  35. How A Resurrection Really Feels
  36. Hurricane J
  37. I Hope This Whole Thing Didn't Frighten You
  38. Joke About Jamaica
  39. Killer Parties
  40. Knuckles
  41. Lord, I'm Discouraged
  42. Magazines
  43. Massive Night
  44. Milkcrate Mosh
  45. Modesto Is Not That Sweet
  46. Most People Are DJs
  47. Multitude Of Casualties
  48. Navy Sheets
  49. On With Business
  50. One For The Cutters
  51. Our Whole Lives
  52. Party Pit
  53. Positive Jam
  54. Rock Problems
  55. Runner's High
  56. Same Kooks
  57. Sequestered In Memphis
  58. Sketchy Metal
  59. Slapped Actress
  60. Soft In The Center
  61. Southtown Girls
  62. Spectres
  63. Spinners
  64. Stay Positive
  65. Stevie Nix
  66. Stuck Between Stations
  67. Take Me Out To The Ball Game
  68. Teenage Liberation
  69. The Ambassador
  70. The Only Thing
  71. The Smidge
  72. The Sweet Part Of The City
  73. The Swish
  74. The Weekenders
  75. Two Handed Handshake
  76. Wait A While
  77. We Can Get Together
  78. Yeah Sapphire
  79. You Can Make Him Like You
  80. You Gotta Dance
  81. Your Little Hoodrat Friend

I The Hold Steady sono un gruppo musicale rock statunitense, formatosi nel 2004 e originario di Brooklyn.

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