Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di The Human League?
- Don't You Want Me
- Human
- Obsession
- Together In Electric Dreams
- Seconds
- Love Action (I Believe In Love)
- (Keep Feeling) Fascination
- Heart Like a Wheel
- I Love You Too Much
- Let's Get Together Again
- The Lebanon
- The Sound Of The Crowd
- A Doorway?
- All I Ever Wanted
- Almost Medieval
- Are You Ever Coming Back?
- Austerity / Girl One
- Austerity/Girl One (Medley)
- Behind the Mask
- Being Boiled
- Betrayed
- Blind Youth
- Boys And Girls
- Breaking The Chains
- Circus of Death
- Crow And A Baby
- Cruel young lover
- Darkness
- Do Or Die
- Don't You Know I Want You
- Dreams Of Leaving
- Egomaniac
- Electric Shock
- Empire State Human
- Filling up with heaven
- Get It Right This Time
- Get Together
- Houseful of nothing
- I Am The Law
- I Don't Depend On You
- I Need Your Loving
- I'm Coming Back
- Jam
- Kiss The Future
- Life Kills
- Life On Your Own
- Louise
- Love Is All That Matters
- Love me madly
- Love On The Run
- Marianne
- Men Are Dreamers
- Mirror Man
- Mister Moon And Mister Sun
- Money
- Morale... You've Lost That Loving Feeling
- Morale...You've Lost That Loving Feeling
- Never Again
- Never Give Your Heart
- Never Let Me Go
- Night People
- One Man In My Heart
- Only After Dark
- Open Your Heart
- Party
- Privilege
- Rebound
- Reflections
- Rock Me Again And Again And Again And Again And Again And Again
- Rock'n'Roll / Nightclubbing
- Rock'N'Roll/Night Clubbing
- Shameless
- Sin City
- Single Minded
- Sky
- So Hurt
- Soundtrack To a Generation
- Stay With Me Tonight
- Swang
- Tell Me When
- The Black Hit Of Space
- The Path of Least Resistance
- The Real Thing
- The Sign
- The Stars Are Going Out
- The Things That Dreams Are Made Of
- The Touchables
- The Word Before Last
- The World Before Last
- The World Tonight
- These are the days
- When The Stars Start To Shine
- Words
- WXJL Tonight
- You Remind Me Of Gold
- Zero as a Limit
The Human League sono un gruppo musicale britannico formatosi a Sheffield, in Inghilterra, nel 1977. Pionieri del synth pop, raggiunsero l'apice del successo all'inizio degli anni ottanta, per poi tentare di tornare sulle scene verso la metà degli anni novanta.
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I testi delle canzoni di The Human League seguono spesso certi schemi che puoi scoprire se presti attenzione. Sei pronto a scoprire quali sono?
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