Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di The Mighty Mighty BossTones?
- Impression That I Get
- Mr. Moran
- 1-2-8
- 365 Days
- 737/ Shoe Glue
- A Dollar And a Dream
- A Jackknife To A Swan
- A Little Bit Ugly
- A Man Without
- A Pretty Sad Excuse
- A Sad Silence
- Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love
- All Thing's Consdidered
- All Things Considered
- Allow Them
- Almost Anything Goes
- Another Drinkin' Song
- At It Again
- Awfully Quiet
- Bad In Plaid
- Bad News And Bad Breaks
- Break So Easily
- Bronzing the Garbage
- Chocolate Pudding
- Closer To Nowhere
- Come on Eileen
- Cowboy Coffee
- Desensitized
- Detroit Rock City
- Devil's Night Out
- Disappearing
- Divide
- Do Somethin' Crazy
- Doctor D
- Dogs and Chaplains
- Don't Worry Desmond Dekker
- Dont Know How to Party
- Drunks And Children
- Enter Sandman
- Every Trick In The Book
- Everybody's Better
- Favorito Records
- Finally
- Go Big
- Graffiti Worth Reading
- Green Bay, Wisconsin
- Guns And The Young
- Haji
- He's Back
- Hell Of A Hat
- High school Dance
- Holy Smoke
- Hope I Never Lose My Wallet
- Howwhywuz, Howwhyam
- Hugo's Wife
- I Don't Believe In Anything
- I Know More
- I Want My City Back
- I Wrote It
- I'll Drink To That
- Illegal Left
- Is It?
- Issachar
- It Can't Hurt
- It Will Be
- Jump Through the Hoops
- Just As Much
- Katie
- Kinder Words
- Knock On Wood
- Last Dead Mouse
- Let Me Be
- Let´s Face It
- Lights Out
- Like a Shotgun
- Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah
- Nevermind Me
- Noise Brigade
- Not To Me On That Night
- Numbered Days
- Ocean
- One Million Reasons
- Open And Honest
- Our Only Weapon
- Over The Eggshells
- Patricia
- Pictures to Prove it
- Pirate Ship
- Police Beat
- Providence Is...
- Punch Line
- Rascal King
- Riot On Broad Street
- Royal Oil
- Rudie Can't Fail
- Seven Thirty Seven/shoe Glue
- Seven Ways To Sunday
- She Just Happened
- Shit Out Of Luck
- Simmer Down
- Sister Mary
- Sister Mary
- So Many Ways
- So Sad To Say
- Someday I Suppose
- Stand Off
- Storm Hit
- Sugar Free
- Sunday Afternons On Wisdom Ave
- Sweet Emotion
- Temporary Trip
- That Bug Bit Me
- That's Another Story
- The Ballad Of Candlepin Paul
- The Bartender's Song
- The Bricklayer's Story
- The Cave
- The Common Decency
- The Constant
- The Day He Didn't Die
- The Daylights
- The Death Valley Vipers
- The Horseshoe And The Rabbit's Foot
- The Magic of Youth
- The Meaning
- The Old School Off The Bright
- The One With The Woes All Over It
- The Package Store Petition
- The Route That I Took
- The Skeleton Song
- The Upper Hand
- The West Ends
- They Came to Boston
- They Will Need Music
- Think Again
- This List
- This Time Of Year
- Tin Soldiers
- Together
- Too Many Stars
- Toxic Toast
- Unified
- Wake Up Call
- Walked Like A Ghost
- Wasted Summers
- We Should Talk
- What Was Was Over
- What's At Stake
- Where You Come From
- Where'd You Go?
- Who's Foolin' Who?
- Wonderful Day For The Race
- Wrong Thing Right Then
- X'mas Time (It Sure Doesn't Feel like It)
- Xmas Time
- You Can't Win
- You Gotta Go!
- You Left Right?
- You're Chasing The Sun Away
- Your Life
- Zig Zag Dance
I testi delle canzoni di The Mighty Mighty BossTones seguono spesso certi schemi che puoi scoprire se presti attenzione. Sei pronto a scoprire quali sono?
Per scoprire gli schemi delle canzoni di The Mighty Mighty BossTones, devi solo leggere attentamente i testi delle loro canzoni, prestando attenzione non solo a ciò che dicono, ma anche a come sono costruiti.
Analizzare i testi delle canzoni di The Mighty Mighty BossTones può essere molto divertente e se ti piace comporre, può aiutarti a trovare formule per creare le tue composizioni.
Come sempre, cerchiamo di migliorare e crescere, quindi se non hai trovato i testi delle canzoni di The Mighty Mighty BossTones che cercavi, torna presto, poiché aggiorniamo frequentemente i nostri database per offrire tutte le canzoni di The Mighty Mighty BossTones e di molti altri artisti il più rapidamente possibile.
Se hai trovato la canzone di The Mighty Mighty BossTones che ti piace in questa lista, condividila con i tuoi cari.
A volte le canzoni di The Mighty Mighty BossTones ci aiutano ad esprimere ciò che pensiamo o sentiamo. È il tuo caso?