Testi delle Canzoni di The Vines

Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di The Vines?

  1. Get Free
  2. Outtathaway!
  3. Winning Days
  4. Killing The Planet
  5. Ride
  6. 1969
  7. In Miracle Land
  8. Ladybug
  9. Sun Child
  10. Truth
  11. 4ever
  12. A Girl I knew
  13. A.S. III
  14. Ain't No Room
  15. All That You do
  16. Amnesia
  17. Animal Machine
  18. Annie Jane
  19. Anysound
  20. Anything You Say
  21. Atmos
  22. Autumn Shade
  23. Autumn Shade II
  24. Autumn Shade III
  25. Autumn Shade IV
  26. Black Dragon
  27. Blues Riff
  28. Braindead
  29. Broken Heart
  30. Candy Daze
  31. Candy Flippin 'Girl
  32. Clueless
  33. Country Yard
  34. Cry
  35. Darkest Shadow
  36. Don't Go
  37. Don't Listen To The Radio
  38. Dope Train
  39. Down At The Club
  40. Drown The Baptists
  41. Emerald Ivy
  42. Everything Else
  43. Evil Town
  44. Factory
  45. Fly Away
  46. From The Land
  47. Fuck The World
  48. Fuck Yeh
  49. Funny Thing
  50. Future Primitive
  51. Futuretarded
  52. Get Out
  53. Gimme Love
  54. Girl I Want
  55. Give up , Give out , Give in
  56. Going Gone
  57. Gone Wonder
  58. Good Enough
  59. Goodbye
  60. Green Utopia
  61. Gross Out
  62. Hate The Sound
  63. He's A Rocker
  64. Hey
  65. Highly Evolved
  66. Homesick
  67. Hot Leather
  68. I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor
  69. I Wanna Go Down
  70. I'm Only Sleeping
  71. In The Jungle
  72. Into The Fire
  73. Kara Jayne
  74. Landslide
  75. Leave Me Alone
  76. Leave Me In The Dark
  77. Love Is Gone
  78. Make Believe
  79. Manger
  80. Mary Jane
  81. Merry Go Round
  82. Metal Zone
  83. Ms. Jackson (Outcast Cover)
  84. Nothin's Comin'
  85. Orange Amber
  86. Out The Loop
  87. Paint It Black
  88. Psychomatic
  89. Rainfall
  90. Rave It
  91. Reincarnation
  92. Riverview Avenue
  93. S.t.w.
  94. Scream
  95. She is Gone
  96. She To Me
  97. She's got something to say
  98. Sky Gazer
  99. Slide Away
  100. Slightly Alien
  101. Spaceship
  102. Sunshinin
  103. Take a Sunday
  104. Take Me Back
  105. True As The Night
  106. TV Pro
  107. Vacant Video
  108. Venus Fly Trap
  109. Vision Valley
  110. Waitin
  111. Watch The World ( Demo)
  112. Weird Animals
  113. Wicked Nature
  114. Willow

The Vines è un gruppo rock alternativo australiano caratterizzato da uno stile musicale che si presenta come una miscela di rock degli anni sessanta e degli anni novanta.

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