Ti piacciono le canzoni di Tori Amos? Qui troverai i testi delle canzoni di Tori Amos così che tu possa cantarle a squarciagola, adattarle a modo tuo o semplicemente capire bene ciò che dicono.
Abbiamo raccolto tutti i testi delle canzoni di Tori Amos che abbiamo potuto trovare affinché coloro che, come te, cercano canzoni di Tori Amos, le trovino tutte in un unico posto.
- Cornflake Girl
- A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square
- A Sorta Fairytale
- Little Earthquakes
- Crucify
- Love Song
- Sweet The Sting
- '97 Bonnie & Clyde
- 1,000 Oceans
- 16 Shades Of Blue
- 29 Years
- 500 Miles
- A Case Of You
- A Silent Night With You
- Abbey Road
- Abnormally Attracted To Sin
- Abraham, Martin And John
- Addition Of Light Divided
- After All
- After The Gold Rush
- Agent Orange
- Ain't No Sunshine
- Alamo
- All The Mothers In Town
- All Through The Night
- Almost Rosey
- Amanda's Boy
- Amazing Grace
- Amber Waves
- America
- American Pie
- Angels
- Angie
- Another Girl's Paradise
- Apollo's Frock
- Bachelorette
- Baker Baker
- Baltimore
- Bang
- Barons Of Suburbia
- Bats
- Battle Of Trees
- Beauty Of Speed
- Beauty Queen
- Bells For Her
- Benjamin
- Bette Davis Eyes
- Beulah Land
- Big Wheel
- Birthday Baby
- Black Swan
- Black-Dove (January)
- Bliss
- Blood Roses
- Blue Moon
- Blue Skies
- Body And Soul
- Bouncing Off Clouds
- Breakaway
- Broken Arrow
- Bug A Martini
- Butterfly
- Cactus Practice
- Candle: Coventry Carol
- Carbon
- Carnival
- Carry
- Cars and guitars
- Caught A Lite Sneeze
- Charlotte Corday
- China
- Chocolate Song
- Circle Game
- Climb
- Cloud On My Tongue
- Cloud Riders
- Code Red
- Comfort and Joy
- Concertina
- Cool On Your Island
- Cooling
- Crazy
- Cruel
- Curtain Call
- Daisy Dead Petals
- Daniel
- Dark Side Of The Sun
- Datura
- Devil's Bane
- Devils And Gods
- Digital Ghost
- Distant Storm
- Dixie
- Do It Again
- Dogs
- Dolphin Song
- Don't Burn Me Up
- Don't Make Me Come to Vegas
- Doughnut Song
- Down By The Seaside
- Dragon
- Drive All Night
- Edge Of The Moon
- Emmanuel
- Enjoy The Silence
- Etienne
- Every Part Of You
- Evils'Roots
- Famous Blue Raincoat
- Fast Horse
- Fat Slut
- Father Figure
- Father Lucifer
- Father's Son
- Fayth
- Fearlessness
- Fire On The Side
- Fire To Your Plain
- Flavor
- Floating City
- Flower of Blood
- Flowers Burn To Gold
- Flying Dutchman
- For Mark
- Forest Of Glass
- Frog On My Toe
- Garlands
- Gary's Girl
- General Joy
- Giant's Rolling Pin
- Girl
- Girl Disappearing
- Give
- Glory of the 80's
- God
- Gold Dust
- Good King Wenceslas
- Goodbye Pìsces
- Graveyard
- Happiness Is A Warm Gun
- Happy Phantom
- Happy Worker
- Harps of Gold
- Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
- Heart Attack at 23
- Heart Of Gold
- Here In My Head
- Hey Jupiter
- Holly, Ivy, and Rose
- Home On The Range (Cherokee Edition)
- Honey
- Hoochie Woman
- Horses
- Hotel
- How Glass Is Made
- Humpty Dumpty
- Hungarian Wedding Song
- I Can't See New York
- I Don't Like Mondays
- I Ran
- I Wanna Get Back With You
- I'm Not In Love
- I'm Not Stupid
- I'm On Fire
- Icicle
- If 6 Was 9
- Iieee
- In The Springtime Of His Voodoo
- In the Storm
- Indian Summer
- Invisible Boy
- Ireland
- It's Freezing Cold In The Studio
- Jackie's Strength
- Jamaica Inn
- Jeanette, Isabella
- Job's Coffin
- Josephine
- Juarez
- Judgement Seat
- Just Ellen
- Lady In Blue
- Landslide
- Leather
- Liquid Diamonds
- Little Amsterdam
- Little Drummer Boy
- London Girls
- Losing My Religion
- Lovesong (The Cure cover)
- Lullabye
- Lust
- Maids Of Elfen-Mere
- Marianne
- Martha's Foolish Ginger
- Mary
- Mary Jane
- Mary's Eyes
- Marys Of The Sea
- Maybe California
- Me And A Gun
- Memories
- Merman
- Metal Water Wood
- Miracle
- Mother
- Mother Revolution
- Mountain
- Mr. Bad Man
- Mr. Zebra
- Mrs. Jesus
- Muhammad My Friend
- Muhammed My Friend
- Murder, He Says
- My Brothers Three
- My Favourite Things
- My Posse Can Do
- Nautical Twilight
- Never Seen Blue
- New Age
- Night Of Hunters
- Northern Lad
- Not David Bowie
- Not Dying Today
- Not The Red Baron
- Ocean To Ocean
- Ode To The Banana King (part 1)
- Oh Danny Boy
- Oh Susanna
- On The Boundary
- One More Chance
- Only Women Bleed
- Oom La Boomleigh
- Operation Peter Pan
- Ophelia
- Original Sinsuality
- Oscar's Theme
- Our New Year
- Oysters
- Pancake
- Pandora's Aquarium
- Parasol
- Past The Mission
- Pink and Glitter
- Pirates
- Playboy Mommy
- Police Me
- Posse Bonus
- Precious Things
- Pretty Good Year
- Professional Widow
- Programmable Soda
- Promise
- Purple People
- Purple Rain
- Purple Sunset
- Putting The Damage On
- Raining Blood
- Raspberry Swirl
- Rattlesnakes
- Real Men
- Reindeer King
- Ribbons Undone
- Ring My Bell
- Riot Proof
- Roosterspur Bridge
- Rose Dover
- Rubles And Gold
- Ruby Through The Looking-Glass
- Russia
- Samurai
- Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout
- Scarlet's Walk
- Score
- Seaside
- Secret Spell
- Selkie
- Seven Sisters
- Shattering Sea
- She's Your Cocaine
- Silent All These Years
- Siren
- Sister Janet
- Sister Named Desire
- Sleeps with butterflies
- Smells Like Teen Spirit
- Smokey Joe
- Snow Angel
- Snow Cherries From France
- Snowblind
- Somewhere Over The Rainbow
- Song For Eric
- Song Of Solomon (Take Me With You)
- Space Dog
- Spark
- Speaking With Trees
- Spies
- Spring Haze
- Star of Wonder
- Star Whisperer
- Starling
- Stay With Me Tonight
- Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht (Silent Night, Holy Night)
- Strange
- Strange Fruit
- Strange Little Girl
- Stranger
- Strong Black Vine
- Suede
- Sugar
- Sweet Dreams
- Sweet Sangria
- Swim To New York State
- Take Me With You
- Take To The Sky
- Talula
- Talula (Tornado Mix)
- Taunting The Notorious
- Taxi Ride
- Tear In Your Hand
- Teenage Hustling
- Thank You
- That Guy
- That's What I Like
- The Accolade
- The Beekeeper
- The Big Picture
- The Bird-serpent War/cataclysm
- The Chase
- The Pool
- The Power od Orange Knickers
- The Power of Orange Knickers
- The River Runs Deep
- The Waitress
- The Wrong Band
- This Old Man
- Thoughts
- Thunder Road
- Til' The Chicken
- Time
- Toast
- Tombigbee
- Toodles Mr. Jim
- Total Eclipse Of The Heart
- Trouble's Lament
- Twinkle
- Unrepentant Geraldines
- Up The Creek (feat. Natashya Hawley)
- Upside Down
- Upside Down 2
- Velvet Revolution
- Violet's Eyes
- Virginia
- Walk To Dublin
- Walking With You
- Wampum Prayer
- Way Down
- Weatherman
- Wedding Day
- Wednesday
- Welcome to England
- What Child, Nowell
- When I Was Dreaming
- White Telephone To God
- Whole Lotta Love
- Why Don't You Love Me
- Wild Way
- Wildwood
- Wings
- Winter
- Winter's Carol
- Witness
- Wrapped Around Your Finger
- Yes, Anastasia
- Yo George
- You Belong To Me
- You Can Bring Your Dog
- You Go To My Head
- You'll Be Taken Care Of
- Your Cloud
- Your Ghost
- Zero Point
Myra Ellen Amos, detta Tori (Newton, 22 agosto 1963), è una compositrice, polistrumentista, cantautrice, interprete, arrangiatrice e produttrice discografica statunitense, tra le più autorevoli e prolifiche della musica del tardo Novecento-XXI secolo.
Mezzo-soprano distintivo e memorabile, voce nuda e senza maschera; prodigio del pianoforte.
Musicalmente multiforme, sui generis, dalle articolazioni melodico-armonico-ritmiche intricate ed eteree, e con strutture dissimili da quelle tipiche della musica popolare, di difficile assimilazione a tutta prima; è sperimentatrice oltremodo versatile e mai ripetitiva.
I suoi testi sono assimilabili a poesia variamente e vastamente interpretabile, caratterizzata da un linguaggio a tratti ermetico, da riferimenti e un punto di vista del tutto personali, «arricchita e complicata da un'infinità di simboli, di allegorie, di metafore spirituali».
Fa richiami a - o costruisce veri e propri “impianti narrativi” su - temi quali la storia (statunitense e Nativo-Americana in primis), la mitologia e le sue implicazioni nella società contemporanea, la politica, la società - in fatto di religione, femminismo, sessismo, ageismo -, il vissuto profondo, la ricerca di un'identità, le relazioni interpersonali: famigliari, tra donne; e molto altro.
Nel 2012 ha vinto il premio ECHO Klassik (Classical Without Borders) per l'album Night of Hunters, crossover nella musica classica.
Nel 2019 le è stato conferito dal più antico conservatorio musicale statunitense, il Peabody Institute, il George Peabody medal for Outstanding Contributions to Music in America ("per gli eccezionali contributi alla musica"), onorificenza assegnata, tra gli altri, a Leonard Bernstein, Ella Fitzgerald e Philip Glass.
È impegnata socialmente in quanto co-fondatrice di RAINN.
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