Testi delle Canzoni di Tricky

Ti piacciono le canzoni di Tricky? Qui troverai i testi delle canzoni di Tricky così che tu possa cantarle a squarciagola, adattarle a modo tuo o semplicemente capire bene ciò che dicono.

Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di Tricky?

  1. Wash my soul
  2. Hell Is Round The Corner
  3. Like a Stone
  4. #1 Da Woman
  5. Abbaon Fat Tracks
  6. Black Coffee
  7. Blood Of My Blood (feat. Scriptonite)
  8. Hollow
  9. Makes Me Wanna Die
  10. Overcome
  11. The Only Way
  12. When Doves Cry
  13. 360
  14. 6 minutes
  15. A Song For Yukiko
  16. Aftermath
  17. Analyze Me
  18. Anti Histamine
  19. Antimatter
  20. Bad Dream
  21. Bad Things
  22. Baligaga
  23. Black Steel
  24. Blue Lines
  25. Bom Bom Diggy
  26. Bombing Bastards
  27. Brainiac
  28. Brand New You're Retro
  29. Broken Homes
  30. Bubbles
  31. Bury The Evidence
  32. C'mon Baby
  33. Call Me
  34. Car Crash
  35. Carriage For Two
  36. Chaos
  37. Children's Story
  38. Chills Me To The Bone
  39. Christiansands
  40. Close Now
  41. Contradictive
  42. Council Estate
  43. Cradle To The Grave
  44. Crazy Claws
  45. Daydreaming
  46. Dear God
  47. Demise
  48. Devils Helper
  49. Devotion
  50. Diss Never
  51. Divine Comedy
  52. Enjoy
  53. Escape
  54. Eurochild
  55. Evolution, Revolution, Love
  56. Excess
  57. Fall Please
  58. Feed Me
  59. Five Days
  60. Five Man Army
  61. Flynn
  62. For Real
  63. Ghetto Klub?
  64. Ghetto youth
  65. Ghost Town
  66. Girls
  67. Give It To Them
  68. Grass Roots
  69. Had You In Me
  70. Hate This Pain
  71. Headphones
  72. Heaven, Youth Hell
  73. Hot Like A Sauna
  74. How high
  75. I Be The Prophet
  76. I Like The Girls
  77. I Sell Guns
  78. I Sing For You
  79. I'm In The Doorway
  80. Ice Pick
  81. Joseph
  82. Judas
  83. Karmacoma
  84. Keep Your Mouth Shut
  85. Kickin´
  86. Live W/Yo self
  87. Lyrics Of Fury
  88. Make A Change
  89. Massive Attack, Blue Lines
  90. Mellow
  91. Milk
  92. Mission Accomplished
  93. Money Greedy
  94. Moody
  95. Murder Weapon
  96. My evil is strong
  97. Nothing´s clear
  98. Over Me
  99. Peyote Sings
  100. Piano
  101. Poems
  102. Ponderosa
  103. Psychosis
  104. Pumpkin
  105. Puppy Toy
  106. Really Real
  107. Record Companies
  108. Running Off
  109. Scrappy Love
  110. Search, Search, Survive
  111. Sex drive
  112. She said
  113. She Screams
  114. Singing The Blues
  115. Slick 66
  116. Slowly
  117. Smokin Beagles
  118. Something In The Way (feat. Mallu Magalhães)
  119. Stay
  120. Strugglin'
  121. Suffocated Love
  122. Take Me Shopping
  123. Talk To Me (Angels With Dirty Faces)
  124. Tattoo
  125. Taxi
  126. Tear Out My Eyes
  127. The Love Cats
  128. The Moment I Feared
  129. Thinking Of
  130. Thows Me Around
  131. Time Slippin'
  132. Together Now
  133. Tonite Is A Special Nite
  134. Tricky
  135. Tricky Kid
  136. UK Jamaican
  137. Vent
  138. Vietnam
  139. Wait for god
  140. We Know
  141. What is Wrong
  142. Where I'm from
  143. Who
  144. Wonder Woman
  145. Yoga
  146. You
  147. You don't
  148. You Dont Wanna
  149. Your name

Tricky, pseudonimo di Adrian Nicholas Matthews Thaws (Bristol, 27 gennaio 1968), è un musicista britannico, noto per il suo canto in stile sprechgesang sussurrato e per il suo sound cupo e stratificato. La musica da lui prodotta è una fusione di differenti culture tra cui rock, pop e hip hop.

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