Testi delle Canzoni di Trouble

  1. Another Day
  2. 'Scuse Me
  3. A Sinner's Fame
  4. After The Rain
  5. All Is Forgiven
  6. Arthur Brown's Whiskey Bar
  7. Assassin
  8. At The End Of My Daze
  9. Bastards Will Pay
  10. Below Me
  11. Black Shapes Of Doom
  12. Bleeding Alone
  13. Born In A Prison
  14. Breathe...
  15. Butterflies
  16. Come Touch The Sky
  17. Doom Box
  18. E.N.D.
  19. Fear
  20. Fear No Evil
  21. Flowers
  22. Gideon
  23. Glass Of Lies
  24. Goin' home
  25. Have I Told You
  26. Hear The Earth
  27. Heaven On My Mind
  28. Hello Strawberry Skies
  29. Hunters Of Doom
  30. If I Only Had A Reason
  31. Long Shadows Fall
  32. Manic Frustration
  33. Memory's Garden
  34. Mindbender
  35. Mr. White
  36. On Borrowed Time
  37. One Life
  38. Opium-Eater
  39. Paranoia Conspiracy
  40. Peace Of Mind
  41. Pictures Of Life
  42. Plastic Green Head
  43. Pray For The Dead
  44. Psalm 9
  45. Psychotic Reaction
  46. R.I.P.
  47. Rain
  48. Requiem
  49. Revelation (Life Or Death)
  50. Ride In The Sky
  51. Run To The Light
  52. Seven
  53. Simple Mind Condition
  54. Sink Or Swim
  55. Sucker
  56. The Beginning
  57. The Beginning Of Sorrows
  58. The Broken Has Spoken
  59. The Eye
  60. The Fall Of Lucifer
  61. The Greying Chill Of Autumn
  62. The Misery Shows (Act I)
  63. The Misery Shows (Act II)
  64. The Skull
  65. The Sleeper
  66. The Tempter
  67. The Truth Is What Is
  68. The Wish
  69. The Wolf
  70. Thinking Of The Past
  71. Tragedy Man
  72. Trouble Maker
  73. Tuesday's Child
  74. Victim Of The Insane
  75. When The Sky Comes Down
  76. Wickedness Of Man
  77. Window Pain
  78. Your Reflection

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