- Come Into My World (Kylie Minogue Cover)
- Everything I Say
- 12 Johnnies
- 2nd Floor
- A Feather At a Wall
- Arthur Murray
- Bakersfield
- Band Camp
- Bernadette
- Betty Lonely
- Big Huge Valley
- Blanket Over The Head
- Bourgeois And Biblical
- Bug
- Cash
- Chain
- Chinaberry Tree
- Concord Country Jubilee
- Coward
- Danny Carlisle
- Deadline
- Debriefing
- Degenerate
- Distortion
- Dna
- Dodge
- Doubting Woman
- Drunk
- Duty Free
- Fa-La-La
- Fish
- FISSLE (vapor and soot)
- Flirted With You All My Life
- Florida
- Forthright
- Free of Hope
- Giant Sands
- Girls Say
- Giupetto
- Glossolalia
- Gluefoot
- Gnats
- Got To Me
- Granny
- Gravity of the Situation
- Guilty by Association
- Hermitage
- Hot Seat
- I'm Through
- Ignorant People
- In Amongst the Millions
- In My Way, Yes
- Independance Day
- Isadora Duncan
- It Is What It Is
- Kick My Ass
- Ladle
- Latent/Blatant
- Little Caesar
- Little Vacation
- Look at Me
- Lucinda Williams
- Maiden
- Marathon
- Merriment
- Mighty Monkey
- Miss Mary
- Mr. Reilly
- My Last Act
- Myrtle
- Mysterious Tunnel
- Naughty Fatalist
- New Town
- Old Hotel
- One of Many
- Onion Soup
- Over
- Panic Pure
- Parade
- Philip Guston
- Preponderance
- Rabbit Box
- Rambunctious Cloud
- Rattle
- Replenished
- Rustic City Fathers
- Sad Peter Pan
- Scratch, Scratch, Scratch
- See You Around
- Sleeping Man
- Soft Picasso
- Soggy Tongues
- Speed Racer
- Splendid
- Sponge
- Squeak
- Stay Inside
- Steve Willoughby
- Stevie Smith
- Strange Language
- Stupid Preoccupations
- Styrofoam Emotion Drains
- Sultan, So Mighty
- Sunny Pasture
- Super Tuesday
- Supernatural
- Swelters
- Tarragon
- Thailand
- The Garden
- Threads
- Thumbtack
- To Be With You
- Until The Led
- Very Friendly Lighthouses
- Vesuvius
- Virginia
- Wallace Stevens
- Warm
- We Hovered With Short Wings
- We Should Be So Brave
- West of Rome
- What Do You Mean?
- When I ran off and left her
- When The Bottom Fell Out
- Where Were You
- Withering
- Woodrow Wilson
- Wounded Prince
- Wrong Piano
- You Are Never Alone
- You May Not Be Interested
- Zippy Morocco
Vic Chesnutt (Jacksonville, 12 novembre 1964 – Athens, 25 dicembre 2009) è stato un cantautore statunitense, tra i più significativi tra quelli emersi negli anni novanta. Era paraplegico.
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I testi delle canzoni di Vic Chesnutt seguono spesso certi schemi che puoi scoprire se presti attenzione. Sei pronto a scoprire quali sono?
Per scoprire gli schemi delle canzoni di Vic Chesnutt, devi solo leggere attentamente i testi delle loro canzoni, prestando attenzione non solo a ciò che dicono, ma anche a come sono costruiti.
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