Testi delle Canzoni di Weezer

Ti piacciono le canzoni di Weezer? Qui troverai i testi delle canzoni di Weezer così che tu possa cantarle a squarciagola, adattarle a modo tuo o semplicemente capire bene ciò che dicono.

Abbiamo raccolto tutti i testi delle canzoni di Weezer che abbiamo potuto trovare affinché coloro che, come te, cercano canzoni di Weezer, le trovino tutte in un unico posto.

Qui potrai scoprire quali sono le canzoni di Weezer più ricercate.

  1. Island In The Sun
  2. Say It Ain't So
  3. I Just Threw Out The Love Of My Dreams
  4. Dukes Of Hazzard
  5. Buddy Holly
  6. Hash Pipe
  7. Love Is The Answer
  8. Perfect Situation
  9. Undone (The Sweater Song)
  10. Beverly Hills
  11. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
  12. No One Else
  13. Across The Sea
  14. Take On Me
  15. El Scorcho
  16. No Other One
  17. Pork And Beans
  18. Tired Of Sex
  19. Butterfly
  20. Crab
  21. Everybody Wants To Rule The World
  22. Falling For You
  23. Go Away
  24. I'm a Believer
  25. Mr. Blue Sky
  26. O Girlfriend
  27. Photograph
  28. Pink Triangle
  29. Run Away
  30. Simple Pages
  31. The Good Life
  32. You Might Think
  33. All My Favorite Songs
  34. Burndt Jamb
  35. Chess
  36. Da Vinci
  37. Everything Happens For a Reason
  38. Happy Together
  39. Hero
  40. High as a Kite
  41. Hold Me
  42. I'm Just Being Honest
  43. In The Garage
  44. It's Always Summer In Bikini Bottom
  45. Memories
  46. My Best Friend
  47. My Name Is Jonas
  48. Only In Dreams
  49. Smile
  50. Teenage Victory Song
  51. The Christmas Song
  52. The Damage In Your Heart
  53. Troublemaker
  54. We Are All On Drugs
  55. Weekend Woman
  56. Why Bother?
  57. (Girl We Got A) Good Thing
  58. (If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To
  59. 1 More Hit
  60. 1000 Years
  61. 367
  62. A Brief History
  63. A Fortunate Mistake
  64. A Little Bit Of Love
  65. A Song About You
  66. Acapulco
  67. Africa
  68. Ain't Got Much Time
  69. Ain't Got Nobody
  70. All My Favorite Songs (feat. AJR)
  71. All My Friends Are Insects
  72. All The Good Ones
  73. Aloo Gobi
  74. Always
  75. American Gigolo
  76. American Girls
  77. Annie's Song
  78. Anonymous
  79. Any Friend Of Diane's
  80. Automatic
  81. Autopilot
  82. Back To The Shack
  83. Barcelona
  84. Basketball
  85. Beach Boys
  86. Beginning Of The End (Wyld Stallyns Edit)
  87. Better Off Alone
  88. Billie Jean
  89. Bird With a Broken Wing
  90. Blast Off
  91. Blowin' My Stack
  92. Blue Dream
  93. Bobby No Morals
  94. Booby Trap
  95. Brave New World
  96. Breed
  97. Brightening Day
  98. Brilliant Boy
  99. Broken Arrows
  100. Brown Eyed Girl
  101. Byzantine
  102. California
  103. California Kids
  104. California Snow
  105. Can't Dance, Don't Ask Me
  106. Can't Knock The Hustle
  107. Can't Stop Partying (feat. Lil Wayne)
  108. Change The World
  109. Christmas Celebration
  110. Cleopatra
  111. Cold Dark World
  112. Come To My Pod
  113. Coming Home (Left My Broken Heart In Carolina)
  114. Congratulations
  115. Conquistadors Of Nothing
  116. Cryin' And Lonely
  117. Dead Roses
  118. Death And Destruction
  119. December
  120. Devotion
  121. Do You Wanna Get High?
  122. Don't Let Go
  123. Don't Pick On Me
  124. Dope Nose
  125. Dreamin'
  126. Endless Bummer
  127. Enter Sandman
  128. Eulogy For a Rock Band
  129. Ev'ry Night
  130. Everybody Get Dangerous
  131. Everybody Needs Salvation
  132. Everybody Wants a Chance to Feel All Alone
  133. Everyone
  134. Fake Smiles And Nervous Laughter
  135. Fall Together
  136. Fatigue
  137. Feels Like Summer
  138. Fontana
  139. Foolish Father
  140. Francesca
  141. Freak Me Out
  142. Friend Of a Friend
  143. Friends Of P.
  144. Fun Time
  145. Get Me Some
  146. Get Off on the Pain
  147. Get Right
  148. Getchoo
  149. Getting By
  150. Getting Up And Leaving
  151. Glorious Day
  152. Goddes Of Love
  153. Gone To Stay
  154. Grapes Of Wrath
  155. Hang On
  156. Happy Hour
  157. Haunt You Every Day
  158. Headache
  159. Heart Songs
  160. Hello, Hello
  161. Here Comes The Rain
  162. Hey Domingo
  163. Hidden
  164. High Maintenance
  165. Holiday
  166. Hollow Leg
  167. Hot Tub
  168. How Long?
  169. Hundred Time As Good
  170. I Can Love
  171. I Do
  172. I Don't Want To Let You Go
  173. I Don't Want Your Lovin'
  174. I Love The USA
  175. I Need Some Of That
  176. I Need Some Touch
  177. I Swear It's True
  178. I Want a Dog
  179. I Want To Be Something
  180. I Woke Up In Love This Morning
  181. I'm a Robot
  182. I'm Your Daddy
  183. I've Had It Up To Here
  184. Iambic Pentameter
  185. In The Mall
  186. It's All Here In This Book
  187. It's Easy
  188. Jacked Up
  189. Jamie
  190. Jamie (acoustic)
  191. Keep Fishin
  192. King
  193. King Of The World
  194. Knock-Down Drag-Out
  195. L.A. Girlz
  196. La Brea Tar Pits
  197. La Mancha Screwjob
  198. Let It All Hang Out
  199. Lets Sew Our Pants Together
  200. Listen Up
  201. Little Sister
  202. Little Songs
  203. Living in L.A.
  204. Living Without You
  205. Lonely Girl
  206. Longtime Sunshine
  207. Losing My Mind
  208. Lost In The Woods
  209. Love Explosion
  210. Lover In The Snow
  211. Lullaby
  212. Lullaby For Wayne
  213. Mad Cow
  214. Mansion Of Cardboard
  215. Meri Kuri
  216. Mexican Fender
  217. Mirror Image
  218. Miss Sweeney
  219. Misstep
  220. Mo Beats
  221. Modern Dukes
  222. Move On
  223. Mr Taxman
  224. Mrs. Robinson
  225. My Brain
  226. My Evaline
  227. My Weakness
  228. Mykel and Carli
  229. New Joint
  230. No Scrubs
  231. Numbers
  232. O Come All Ye Faithful
  233. O Holy Night
  234. O Lisa
  235. Oh No This Is Not For Me
  236. On The Edge
  237. Paperface
  238. Paranoid
  239. Pardon Me
  240. Peace
  241. Peace and Quiet
  242. Piece of Cake
  243. Pig
  244. Playing My Piano
  245. Porcupine
  246. Possibilities
  247. Preacher's Son
  248. Precious Metal Girl
  249. Private Message
  250. Prodigy Lover
  251. Purification of Water
  252. Put Me Back Together
  253. QB Blitz
  254. Queen Of Earth (demo Version)
  255. Rainbow Connection (feat. Hayley Williams)
  256. Records (feat. Noga Erez)
  257. Represent
  258. Return To Ithaka
  259. Rosanna
  260. Ruling Me
  261. Run Over By A Truck
  262. Run, Raven, Run
  263. Running Man
  264. Sacrifice
  265. Sandwiches Time
  266. Saturday Night
  267. Screens
  268. Seafaring Jamb
  269. Serendipity
  270. She Needs Me
  271. Sheila Can do It
  272. Should She Stay or Shold She Go
  273. Silent Night
  274. Slave
  275. Slob
  276. Smart Girls
  277. So Low
  278. Space rock
  279. Space Rock [1st Version]
  280. Stand By Me
  281. Starlight
  282. Summer Elaine and Drunk Dori
  283. Superstar
  284. Surf Wax America
  285. Susanne
  286. Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)
  287. Sweet Mary
  288. Take Control
  289. Taste Like Pain
  290. Tell Me What You Want
  291. Thank God For Girls
  292. The Angel And The One
  293. The British Are Coming
  294. The End Of The Game
  295. The Fall
  296. The First Noel
  297. The Girl Got Hot
  298. The Greatest Man That Ever Lived
  299. The Grunge Song
  300. The Last Days Of Summer
  301. The Love Im Searching For
  302. The Odd Couple
  303. The Organ Player
  304. The Other Way
  305. The Prettiest Girl In The Whole Wide World
  306. The Prince Who Wanted Everything
  307. The Rat Race
  308. The Spider
  309. The Story Of My Life
  310. The Underdogs
  311. The Victor
  312. The Waste Land
  313. The Weight
  314. The World Has Turned And Left Me Here
  315. Thief You've Taken All That Was Me
  316. Think Fast (feat. Dominic Fike)
  317. This Is Such a Pity
  318. Thought I Knew
  319. Time Flies
  320. Too Late To Try
  321. Too Many Thoughts in My Head
  322. Tragic Girl
  323. Trainwrecks
  324. Trampoline
  325. Tripping Down The Freeway
  326. Turn me round
  327. Turning Up The Radio
  328. Unbreak My Heart
  329. Unspoken
  330. Untenable
  331. Uptown Girl
  332. Velouria
  333. Viva La Vida
  334. Waiting On You
  335. Wanda, You're My Only Love
  336. We Go Together
  337. We Wish You a Merry Christmas
  338. What Happens After You?
  339. Where's My Sex?
  340. Wind in Our Sail
  341. Worry Rock
  342. Yellow Camaro
  343. You Gave Your Love To Me Softly
  344. You Won't Get With Me Tonight
  345. Your Room
  346. Your Sister
  347. Zep Jam
  348. Zombie Bastards
  349. Why Don't You Get Me?
  350. The Deep and Dreamless Sleep
  351. The One That Got Away
  352. Sheraton Commander

I Weezer sono un gruppo statunitense alternative rock/emo (appartenente alla seconda ondata) proveniente da Los Angeles, California, fondato nel 1992 e composto da Rivers Cuomo (voce, chitarra solista), Patrick Wilson (batteria, cori), Matt Sharp (basso, cori), e Jason Cropper (chitarra ritmica, cori), con gli ultimi due membri sostituiti poi da Scott Shriner e Brian Bell. Hanno pubblicato 13 album, 7 EP e un DVD; il loro primo album è stato ristampato e ripubblicato varie volte. La band ha venduto più di 10 milioni di album negli Stati Uniti.

Potrebbe darsi che tu non sia un grande fan di Weezer, forse sei qui solo per una canzone di Weezer che ti piace, ma dai un'occhiata al resto, potrebbero sorprenderti.

Spesso accade che quando ti piace una canzone di un gruppo o artista specifico, ti piacciano anche altre loro canzoni. Quindi, se ti piace una canzone di Weezer, probabilmente ti piaceranno molte altre canzoni di Weezer.

Speriamo che ti piacciano questi testi delle canzoni di Weezer e che ti siano utili.

Se hai trovato la canzone di Weezer che ti piace in questa lista, condividila con i tuoi cari.

A volte le canzoni di Weezer ci aiutano ad esprimere ciò che pensiamo o sentiamo. È il tuo caso?