Testi delle Canzoni di Chely Wright

Ti piacciono le canzoni di Chely Wright? Qui troverai i testi delle canzoni di Chely Wright così che tu possa cantarle a squarciagola, adattarle a modo tuo o semplicemente capire bene ciò che dicono.

Abbiamo raccolto tutti i testi delle canzoni di Chely Wright che abbiamo potuto trovare affinché coloro che, come te, cercano canzoni di Chely Wright, le trovino tutte in un unico posto.

Trova qui i testi delle tue canzoni preferite di Chely Wright.

  1. 10 Lb. Heart
  2. Alligator Purse
  3. Back Of The Bottom Drawer
  4. Before You Lie
  5. Between a Mother And a Child
  6. Broken
  7. Bumber of my SUV
  8. C'est La Vie'
  9. Damn Liar
  10. Day One
  11. Deep Down Low
  12. Emma Jean's Guitar
  13. Everything
  14. Feelin' Single and Seein' Double
  15. For the Long Run
  16. Go On and Go
  17. Gotta Get Good At Givin' Again
  18. Hang Out In Your Heart
  19. He Don't Do Bars Anymore
  20. He's a Good Ole Boy
  21. Heart Shaped World
  22. Heavenly Days
  23. Her
  24. Horoscope
  25. I Already Do
  26. I Got Him Ready For You
  27. I Guess I Got Him Ready For You
  28. I Love You Enough to Let You Go
  29. If I Were Jackie
  30. Is It Love Yet
  31. It Was
  32. It's Not Too Late
  33. It's The Song
  34. Jezebel
  35. Just Another Heartache
  36. Just The Way We do It
  37. Let Me In
  38. Like Me
  39. Listenin' to the Radio
  40. Love Didn't Listen
  41. Love Lets Go
  42. Never Love You Enough
  43. Nobody But a Fool
  44. Not As in Love
  45. Notes To The Coroner
  46. Object Of Your Rejection
  47. One Night in Las Vegas
  48. Picket Fences
  49. Right In The Middle Of It
  50. Rubbin' It In
  51. Scars
  52. Sea Of Cowboy Hats
  53. Sex, Drugs And Rock'n'roll
  54. Shadows Of Doubt
  55. She Went Out For Cigarettes
  56. Shut Up And Drive
  57. Shut Up And Drive
  58. Single White Female
  59. Snow Globe
  60. Some Kind of Somethin
  61. South Side Of Lonesome
  62. That Train
  63. The Bumper of My S.U.V
  64. The Fire
  65. The Last Supper
  66. The Love He Left Behind
  67. The Love That We Lost
  68. The Other Woman
  69. The River
  70. Till All Her Tears Are Dry
  71. Till I Was Loved By You
  72. Unknown
  73. What I Learned From Loving You
  74. What If I Can't Say No Again?
  75. What If We Fly
  76. Wheels
  77. While I Was Waiting
  78. Why do I Still Want You
  79. Wish Me Away
  80. Woman In The Moon
  81. Wouldn't It Be Cool
  82. Your Shirt
  83. Your Woman Misses Her Man

Richell Rene Wright, detta Chely (Kansas City, 25 ottobre 1970), è una cantautrice statunitense.

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