Trova qui i testi delle tue canzoni preferite di Blur.
Qui potrai scoprire quali sono le canzoni di Blur più ricercate.
- Song 2
- Coffee & TV
- Beetlebum
- Girls And Boys
- The Universal
- Tender
- Out Of Time
- Charmless Man
- Country House
- Parklife
- To The End
- No Distance Left To Run
- The Narcissist
- For Tomorrow
- Ghost Ship
- Good Song
- On Your Own
- She's So High
- Sunday Sunday
- Barbaric
- Daisy Bell
- Death Of A Party
- Ice Cream Man
- Stellar
- There's No Other Way
- Young And Lovely
- End Of A Century
- Miss America
- My Terracotta Heart
- Theme From Retro
- Trimm Trabb
- You're So Great
- Caravan
- Chemical World
- Country Sad Ballad Man
- Far Away Island
- Goodbye Albert
- He Thought Of Cars
- I'm Just A Killer For Your Love
- It Could Be You
- Lonesome Street
- Mellow Song
- Mirrorball
- Ong Ong
- Slow Down
- St. Charles Square
- Stereotypes
- Sweet Song
- The Swan
- This Is a Low
- 1992
- 7 Days
- A Day Is Far Too Long
- A Song
- Advert
- Alex's Song
- All We Want
- All Your Life
- All your life Tradução
- Ambulance
- Avalon
- B.L.U.R.E.M.I
- B.l.u.r.e.m.i.
- Bad Day
- Bad Head
- Badgeman Brown
- Badhead
- Bang
- Bank Holiday
- Bank Holiday
- Battery In Your Leg
- Battle
- Beachcoma
- Best Days
- Birthday
- Black Book
- Blue Jeans
- Bluremi
- Bonebag
- Brothers & Sisters
- Brothers And Sisters
- Bugman
- Caramel
- Chinese Bombs
- Close
- Clover Over Dover
- Colin Zeal
- Colours
- Come Together
- Commercial Break
- Coping
- Crazy Beat
- Dan Abnormal
- Dancehall
- Day Upon Day
- Dizzy
- Down
- Entertain Me
- Ernold Same
- Es Schmecht
- Essex Dogs
- Explain
- Fade Away
- Far Out
- Fool
- Fool's Day
- Fool's Day
- Fried
- Gene By Gene
- Get Out Of Cities
- Globe Alone
- Go Out
- Got Yer!
- Hanging Over
- High Cool
- I Broadcast
- I Know
- I Wish
- I'm All Over
- I'm fine
- In A Salty Sea
- Inertia
- Interlude
- Intermission
- Into Another
- Jets
- Jubilee
- London Loves
- Long Legged
- Look Inside America
- Lot 105
- Luminous
- M.O.R.
- Mace
- Maggie May
- Magic America
- Magpie
- Me White Noise
- Me You, We Two
- Mixed Up
- Money Makes Me Crazy
- Moroccan People's Revolutionary Bowls Club
- Movin' On
- Mr Briggs
- Mr. Robinsons' Quango
- Music Is My Radar
- My White Noise
- New World Towers
- No Monsters in Me
- Oily Water
- Oliver's Army (Elvis Costello Cover)
- On The Way To The Club
- One Born Every Minute
- Optigan 1
- Peach
- People In Europe
- Peter Panic
- Polished Stone
- Popscene
- Pressure On Julian
- Pyongyang
- Rednecks
- Repetition
- Resigned
- Russian Strings
- Sing
- So You
- St. Louis
- Star Shaped
- Starshaped
- Strange News From Another Star
- Swallows in a heatwave
- Swamp Song
- Tame
- Tell Me Why
- The Ballad
- The Debt Collector
- The Everglades (For Leonard)
- The Heights
- The Man Who Left Himself
- The Outsider
- The Puritan
- Theme From An Imaginary Film
- There Are Too Many Of Us
- Thought I Was a Spaceman
- Threadneedle Street
- To The End (La Comedie)
- To The End (la Comedie)
- Topman
- Tracy Jacks
- Trailer Park
- Trailerpark
- Trouble In The Message Centre
- Trouble In The Message Centre
- Turn It Up
- Ultranol
- Uncle Love
- Under The Westway
- Villa Rosie
- We've got a file on you
- Wear Me Down
- When The Cows Come Home
- Who The Fuck?
- Won't Do It
- Woodpigeon Song
- Y'all Doomed
- Yuko and Hiro
- Some Glad Morning
- Morricone
- Don't Be
I Blur (pronuncia: blɜː(r)) sono un gruppo rock britannico formatosi a Colchester nel 1988.
È considerato uno tra i maggiori esponenti del britpop, movimento musicale molto popolare negli anni novanta. Tuttavia, durante la propria storia la band ha attraversato due periodi molto differenti dal punto di vista artistico. Il primo periodo coincide con l'esplosione britpop in Europa, che l'ha consacrata stella nascente della musica anni novanta assieme a Suede, Pulp, The Verve, Supergrass e Oasis. A partire dall'album Blur (1997), la band si è accostata ad uno stile più vicino all'indie rock e all'alternative rock.
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