Ti piacciono le canzoni di Destroyer? Qui troverai i testi delle canzoni di Destroyer così che tu possa cantarle a squarciagola, adattarle a modo tuo o semplicemente capire bene ciò che dicono.
Trova qui i testi delle tue canzoni preferite di Destroyer.
Qui potrai scoprire quali sono le canzoni di Destroyer più ricercate.
- 3000 Flowers
- A Dangerous Woman Up To A Point
- A Light Travels Down The Catwalk
- A Month In The Country
- An Actor's Revenge
- Archer On The Beach
- Babieca
- Bangkok
- Bay Of Pigs (Detail)
- Beggars Might Ride
- Blue Eyes
- Blue Flower/Blue Flame
- Breakin' The Law
- Bye Bye
- Canadian Lover / Falcon's Escape
- Certain Things You Ought To Know
- Child Of Styx
- Chinatown
- City Of Daughters (Song)
- Cold Release
- Comments On The World As Will
- Cover From The Sun
- Crimson Tide
- Crystal Country
- Cue Synthesizer
- Dark Leaves Form A Thread
- Dark Purposes
- Death On The Festival Circuit
- Death To The Northern Man
- Del Montón (Sr. Chinarro Cover)
- Destroyer's The Temple
- Don't Become The Thing You Hated
- Downtown
- Dream Lover
- El Rito (Sr. Chinarro Cover)
- English Music
- European Oils
- Farrar, Straus And Giroux (Sea Of Tears)
- Foam Hands
- foolssong
- Forces From Above
- Forget America
- From Oakland To Warsaw
- Girl In a Sling
- Goddess Of Drought
- Have We Met
- Helena
- Hell
- Here Comes The Night
- Hey, Snow White
- Holly Going Lightly
- I Have Seen A Light
- I Want This Cyclops
- I, As Mccarthy
- In Dreams
- In The Morning
- Introducing Angels
- Islands In The Stream
- It Just Doesn't Happen
- It's Gonna Take An Airplane
- Ivory Coast
- J. Tailor
- Kaputt
- Kinda Dark
- La Règle Du Jeu
- Leave Little Fiddler (Alone)
- Leaving London
- Leopard Of Honor
- Libby's First Sunrise
- Looter's Follies
- Loves Of A Gnostic
- Mad Foxes
- Makin' Angels
- María de Las Nieves
- Marrying The Hammer
- Melanie And Jennifer And Melanie
- Mending Song
- Mercy (We Had The Right)
- Midnight Meet the Rain
- Modern Painters
- My Favorite Year
- New Ways Of Living
- No Cease Fires (Crims Against The State Of Our Love, Baby)
- No Man`s Dance
- No One Needs To Know
- Nothing More to Say
- Notorious Lightning
- Painter In Your Pocket
- Plaza Trinidad
- Poor In Love
- Priest's Knees
- Queen Of Languages
- Quickeye
- Raw Agression
- Rereading The Marble Faun
- Revolution
- Riots
- Rivers
- Rome
- Rose Fleched This
- Rubies
- Saddestroyer
- Savage Night At The Opera
- Saw You At The Hospital
- School And The Girls Who Go There
- Self Portrait With Thing (Tonight Is Not Your Night)
- Shooting Rockets (From The Desk Of Night's Ape)
- Sick Priest Learns To Last Forever
- Sky's Grey
- Smith
- Solace's Bride
- Sometimes In The World
- Son Of The Earth
- Song About A Girl Up To A Point
- Song About Disappointment
- Song For America
- Space Race
- Spring Cleaning
- Stay Lost
- Streethawk I
- Streethawk II
- Streets Of Fire
- Strike
- Students Carve Hearts Out Of Coal
- Stuffed And Sick
- Suicide Demo For Kara Walker
- Sun In The Sky
- The Bad Arts
- The Chosen Few
- The Crossover
- The Fox And The Hound
- The Leg We Stand On
- The Man In Black's Blues
- The Music Lovers
- The Night Moves
- The Pornographers
- The Raven
- The Relevant Ballads
- The River
- The State
- The Sublimation Hour
- The Television Music Supervisor
- The Very Modern Dance
- The Way Of Perpetual Roads
- Thief
- This Night
- Timebomb
- Times Square
- Times Square, Poison Season I
- Times Square, Poison Season II
- Tinseltown Swimming In Blood
- To The Heart Of The Sun On The Back Of The Vulture, I'll Go
- Total Sustain
- Trembling Peacock
- Turn on the Power
- University Hill
- War On Jazz
- Watercolours Into The Ocean
- What Road
- Whistilin' Dixie (She Shoots)
- You Are The Music In Me
- Your Blood
- Your Blues
Destroyer ("distruttore" o "cacciatorpediniere" in lingua inglese) può significare:
Ti consigliamo di visitare tutti i testi delle canzoni di Destroyer, potresti innamorarti di qualcuna che ancora non conoscevi.
Spesso accade che quando ti piace una canzone di un gruppo o artista specifico, ti piacciano anche altre loro canzoni. Quindi, se ti piace una canzone di Destroyer, probabilmente ti piaceranno molte altre canzoni di Destroyer.
Per scoprire gli schemi delle canzoni di Destroyer, devi solo leggere attentamente i testi delle loro canzoni, prestando attenzione non solo a ciò che dicono, ma anche a come sono costruiti.
Se hai trovato la canzone di Destroyer che ti piace in questa lista, condividila con i tuoi cari.
A volte le canzoni di Destroyer ci aiutano ad esprimere ciò che pensiamo o sentiamo. È il tuo caso?