Ti piacciono le canzoni di Emery? Qui troverai i testi delle canzoni di Emery così che tu possa cantarle a squarciagola, adattarle a modo tuo o semplicemente capire bene ciò che dicono.
Abbiamo raccolto tutti i testi delle canzoni di Emery che abbiamo potuto trovare affinché coloro che, come te, cercano canzoni di Emery, le trovino tutte in un unico posto.
Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di Emery?
Qui potrai scoprire quali sono le canzoni di Emery più ricercate.
- The Cheval Glass
- (Ho Ho Hey) A Way For Santa's Sleigh
- [Hidden Track]
- 2:38
- 2007 Clarksville High Volleyball State Champs Gay Is Ok
- A Sin To Hold On To
- Addicted To Bad Decisions
- After The Devil Beats His Wife
- All I Want
- Alone
- Anne Marie
- As Your Voice Fades
- Away In a Manger (feat. Toby Morrell)
- Be Cool
- Biddy
- Bloodless
- Bones
- Butcher's Mouth
- By All Accounts (Today Was A Disaster)
- Can't Stop The Killer
- Churches and Serial Killers
- Civil War
- Closed Eyes, Open Hands
- Concussion
- Crumbling
- Curbside Goodbye
- Cutthroat Collapse
- Daddy's Little Peach
- Daniel, I'm Not Gonna Make It. Go Ahead Without Me
- Dear Death Part 1
- Dear Death Part 2
- Dear Death Pt. 1
- Dear Death Pt. 2
- Death To Inconvenience
- Disguising Mistakes With Goodbyes
- Do The Things (You Want)
- Don't Bore Us, Get To The Chorus
- Don't Waste Your Breath
- Edge Of The World
- Enemy
- Everything That She Offered Me
- Fear Yourself
- Fix Me
- Flesh
- Fractions
- From Crib To Coffin
- Go Wrong Young Man
- Good Boys
- Hard Times
- Holding Out For A Hero
- I Never Got To See The West Coast
- I'm Not Here For Rage
- I'm Not Here For Rage I'm Here For Revenge (More Than Your Hook Up)
- In A Lose, Lose Situation
- In a Win, Win Situation
- In between 4th and 2nd Street
- In Shallow Seas We Sail
- Inside Our Skin
- Is This The Real Life
- It Always Depends
- Jesus Gave Us Christmas
- Jesus Wept
- Left With Alibis And Lying Eyes
- Listening To Freddie Mercury
- Listening To Freddy Mercury
- Make Yourself Sick
- Miss Behavin'
- Name Your God
- Negative Nine
- Now What
- O Little Town Of Bethlehem
- Oh Come All Ye Faithful (feat. Toby Morrell)
- Oh Come Emmanuel (feat. Melanie Studley)
- Open Hands, Closed Eyes (bonus track)
- Partiu Com Álibis E Olhos Mentirosos
- Party Song
- People Always Ask Me If We're Going To Cuss In An Emery Song
- Piggy Bank Lies
- Pink Slip
- Playing With Fire
- Returning The Smile You Have Had From The Start
- Rock-N-Rule
- Rock, Pebble, Stone
- Sad Season
- Safe
- Salvatore Wryhta
- Say The Thing (you Want)
- Say The Things (You Want)
- Scissors
- See You On The Other Side
- Shame
- Shift
- Sins Of Every Father
- So Cold I Could See My Breath
- Some Of Us
- Story About A Man With A Bad Heart
- Stranger
- Streets Of Gold
- Stronger Than You (Gravity Falls)
- Studying Politics
- Taken For A Bath
- Ten Talents
- The Anchors
- The Beginning
- The Curse Of Perfect Days
- The Last Christmas
- The Less You Say
- The Movie Song
- The Noose
- The Note From Which A Chord Is Built
- The Party Song
- The Ponytail Parades
- The Poor And The Prevalent
- The Secret
- The Smile, The Face
- The Terrible Secret
- The Weak's End
- The Weakest
- This Town
- Thoughtlife
- Thrash
- To The Deep
- To Whom It May Concern
- Under Serious Attack
- Untitled
- Voices in the Air
- Walls
- We Wish You a Merry Christmas (feat. Melanie Studley)
- What Makes A Man A Man
- What's Stopping You
- While Broken Hearts Prevail
- Whoa! Man
- Wizard
- World Away
- World Away ( Tradução )
- You Said Enough
- You Stole God From Me
- You Think You're Nickel Slick
- You Think You're Nickel Slick (but I Got Your Penny Change)
- You Wanted It
- Young Boy's Dream
- Lovely Lady
- I Don't Know You At All
Ti consigliamo di visitare tutti i testi delle canzoni di Emery, potresti innamorarti di qualcuna che ancora non conoscevi.
Per scoprire gli schemi delle canzoni di Emery, devi solo leggere attentamente i testi delle loro canzoni, prestando attenzione non solo a ciò che dicono, ma anche a come sono costruiti.
Speriamo che ti piacciano questi testi delle canzoni di Emery e che ti siano utili.