- Let It Die
- Misery Loves Company
- 306
- 4 o'Clock
- O Mistress Mine
- Opheliac
- The Art Of Suicide
- The Ballad of Mushroom Down (Poem)
- What If
- A Letter From A Friend (Poem)
- A Plea To The Dying
- Absynthe
- Across The Sky
- Alas (The Knight)
- All my loving (cover)
- Asleep
- At What Point Does A Shakespeare Say (poem)
- Be silent, be still
- Best Safety Lies In Fear
- Blackbird Sonnets (Poem)
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- By The Sword
- Castle Down
- Chambermaid
- Close (Poem)
- Come Away
- Constant
- Constant (Poem)
- Crazy He Calls Me
- Dead Is The New Alive
- Delirium
- Didn't (Poem)
- Don't Blame Me
- Dreams (Poem)
- Empty (Poem)
- Epilogue: What If
- Ever
- Everybody's Girl (Poem)
- Excerpts From the Upcoming Book
- Faces Like Mine
- Fight Like a Girl
- Find Me a Man
- Funny How Things Change (Poem)
- Gaslight
- Gentlemen Aren't Nice
- Ghost
- Ghost (poem)
- Girls Just Want to Have Fun
- Girls! Girls! Girls!
- Gloomy Sunday
- Gloomy Sunday (cover)
- God Help Me
- Goodbye (Poem)
- Goodnight, Sweet Ladies
- Gothic Lolita
- Heard It All
- Hollow Like My Soul
- Homesick Sonnets (Poem)
- Hoof And Lap / The Devil's Carnival
- How Strange
- How to Break a Heart (Poem)
- I Could Jump The Track (Poem)
- I Cried For You (Poem)
- I Didn't Mean You (Poem)
- I Don't Care Much
- I Don't Understand
- I Know It's Over (cover)
- I Know Where You Sleep
- I Saved the World Today (cover)
- I Want My Innocence Back
- If (Poem)
- If I Burn
- If You Could Only Know (Poem)
- If You Feel Better
- If You Fell Better (Poem)
- In a World Of My Own
- In Praise Of Cyrano (Poem)
- In Reality
- In The Lake
- Is It My Body (Alice Cooper Cover)
- Juliet
- Lady Anne
- Let The Record Show
- Liar
- Liar (manic Depressive Mix) Feat Asp
- Little Boy (Poem)
- Mad Girl
- Manipulation (Poem)
- Marry Me
- Medicate with tea
- Miss Lucy Had Some Leeches
- My Fairweather Friend
- Nearer Than You (Poem)
- Never Tasted Tears (Poem)
- Never You Mind
- On Artistic Integrity (Poem)
- One Foot In Front Of The Other
- Photographic Memory
- Post-Apocalyptic Love Song: Crazy He Calls Me (cover)
- Prick! Goes the Scorpion's Tale
- Rant I (Poem)
- Rant II (Poem)
- Rapunzel
- Rapunzel Sonnets (Poem)
- Remember
- Rose Red
- Russian Bride
- Save You
- Scavenger
- Second Hand Faith
- Shalott
- Smirking Girl (Poem)
- So Many Fools (Poem)
- Space (Poem)
- Start Another Story
- Swallow
- Take The Pill
- Tea Will Rock You
- Thank God I'm Pretty
- The Day You Love (Poem)
- The Key
- The Muse (Poem)
- The Music I Heard Once (Poem)
- The One (Poem)
- The Star Spangled Banner (cover)
- Time For Tea
- Try My Best (Poem)
- Two Masks (Poem)
- Untitled (Is It My Body)
- Visions (Poem)
- We Want Them Young!
- What Right Have I (Poem)
- What Will I Remember
- Willow
- With Every Passing Day (cover)
- Woman (Poem)
- Words From The Asylum
- Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (cover)
Emilie Autumn Liddell (Los Angeles, 22 settembre 1979) è una cantante, violinista, polistrumentista e poetessa statunitense.
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