Abbiamo raccolto tutti i testi delle canzoni di Nasum che abbiamo potuto trovare affinché coloro che, come te, cercano canzoni di Nasum, le trovino tutte in un unico posto.
Qui potrai scoprire quali sono le canzoni di Nasum più ricercate.
- ...And You Were Blind To What Lay Beyond The Horizon
- A bloodbath Displayed
- A Change In Your Mind
- A Civil Critique
- A Dead Generation
- A Game Played By Society
- A Look At Society
- A Request For Guidance
- A Welcome Breeze Of Stinking Air
- Alarm
- Bag
- Between The Walls
- Black Visions (Scarecrows II)
- Blind World
- Blinded
- Blindfolded (By The Media)
- Breach Of Integrity
- Brinn
- Bullshit
- Bullshit Tradition (Drop Dead Cover)
- Burning Inside
- Can De Lach
- Circle Of Defeat
- Closer To The End
- Closing In
- Cornered
- Corrosion
- Creature
- Cut To Fit
- Damned Nation
- Darkness Falls
- Dead Mirror
- Defragmentation
- Deleted Scenes
- Den Mærka Tiden
- Den Svarta Fanan
- Detonator
- Digging In
- Dis Sucks
- Disappointed
- Disdain And Contempt
- Disforest
- Disgrace
- Distortion & Disinformation
- Ditt -de
- Divine Intervention
- Dolt Under Ytan
- Dom Styr Vara Liv
- Domedagen
- Doombringer
- Dreamland
- Drop Dead
- Duor Bevakad
- Enough!
- Erased
- Escape
- Ett Inflammerat Sar
- Evacuate The Earth
- Eviscerated By The Fiend
- Face Obliteration
- Falska Tankar
- Fantasibilder
- Fatal Search
- Fear
- Fear Is Your Weapon
- Fear Of The China Syndrome
- Feed Them, Kill Them, Skin Them
- Fight Terror With Terror
- For What Cause?
- Forcefed Opinion
- Fuck The System
- Fucking Murder!
- Fullmatad
- Fur
- Fury
- Gargoyles And Grotesques
- Generation Ex
- Go!
- God Slave America
- Godmorgon, Idiotjävel
- Going Nowhere
- Gravar
- Grey
- Hail The Chaos!
- Hate Division
- Hets
- High On Hate
- Hurt
- I Decline
- I Hate People
- I Helvetet
- I See Lies
- I'm Not Silent
- Illogic
- In Praise Of Folly
- Information Is Free
- Ingenting
- Ingenting Att Ha!
- Inhale Exhale
- It's All About The Information
- It's Never Too Late
- Just Another Hog
- Krigets skærd
- Krossa
- Last
- Lat Inte Asen Styra Ditt Liv
- Læpande-Bands Principen
- Left In A Dream
- Like Cattle
- Living Next Door To Malice
- Logg Om!
- Losing Faith
- Mass Hypnosis
- Multinational Murderers Network
- My Fear
- My Philosophy
- N¤r Dagarna...
- Naive Ignorant Fucks!
- No Chance
- No Paradise For The Damned
- No Sign Of Improvement
- No Time To Waste
- Obstacle
- Old And Tired?
- Particles
- Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow
- Pathetic
- Peace?
- Preview Of Hell
- Re-Create The System
- Reasons?
- Red Tape Suckers
- Relics
- Resistance
- Restrained From The Truth
- Revolution
- Rio de San Atlanta, Manitoba (Propaghandi Cover)
- Riot
- Ros
- Sawder
- Scarecrows
- Scoop
- Screwed
- See The Shit (With Your Own Eyes)
- Self Vilification
- Shadows
- Shambler
- Shapeshifter
- Shaping The End
- Shortcut To Extinction
- Sick System
- Silent
- Silent Sanguinary Soil
- Sixteen
- Skithus
- Slaves To The Grind
- Smile When You're Dead
- Sometimes Dead Is Better
- Stalemate
- Stealth Politics
- Sticks And Stones
- Stolen Pride
- Stormshield
- Strife
- Suicide
- Tested
- The Black Swarm
- The Breathing Furnace
- The Clash
- The Deepest Hole
- The Engine Of Death
- The Everlasting Shame
- The Final Sleep
- The Flames Of The Truth
- The Idiot Parade
- The Leak
- The Machines
- The Masked Face
- The Meaningless Trial
- The New Firing-Squad
- The Professional League
- The Real (Refused Cover)
- The Rest Is Over
- The Smallest Man
- The Soil Bleeds Black
- The Spiral Goes Down
- The System Has Failed Again
- The Unfathomable Situation
- The World That You Made
- There's No Escape
- Think
- This Is
- Time To Act
- Time To Discharge
- Too Naked To Distort
- Tools Of The Trade (Carcass Cover)
- Total Destruction
- Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
- Unchallenged Hate (Napalm Death Cover)
- Understand: You Are Deluded
- Until The Board Breaks
- Verklighetsflykt
- Violation
- Visions of War (Discharge Cover)
- Vows
- Warfuck
- We Curse You All
- We're Nothing But Pawns
- What's
- When Science Fails
- Whip
- Words To Die For
- Worldcraft
- Worst Case Scenario
- Wrath
- X Marks The Spot
- You're Obsolete
- Your Words Alone
I Nasum sono stati un gruppo musicale grindcore svedese formato nel 1992 ad Örebro da Anders Jakobson e Rickard Alriksson. La band si è sciolta a seguito della morte del cantante Mieszko Talarczyk nel Maremoto dell'oceano Indiano del 2004.
Potrebbe darsi che tu non sia un grande fan di Nasum, forse sei qui solo per una canzone di Nasum che ti piace, ma dai un'occhiata al resto, potrebbero sorprenderti.
Spesso accade che quando ti piace una canzone di un gruppo o artista specifico, ti piacciano anche altre loro canzoni. Quindi, se ti piace una canzone di Nasum, probabilmente ti piaceranno molte altre canzoni di Nasum.
A volte le canzoni di Nasum ci aiutano ad esprimere ciò che pensiamo o sentiamo. È il tuo caso?