Testi delle Canzoni di Valhom

  1. Across the Blackened Shadows
  2. As the Stars Fade Away and Die
  3. At the Guardians Gate
  4. Blood of the Horned Father
  5. Chaos
  6. Damnation Seed
  7. Defined in Shadows
  8. Descend from Darkness
  9. Dragon Abyss
  10. Flames Upon Bethlehem
  11. Glory and Death
  12. Infernal Legions
  13. Journey Of Blood
  14. Satan's Castle
  15. Satan's Glorious Victory
  16. The Infinite Dream
  17. The King
  18. The Time of Christian Death
  19. Throne Of Thorns
  20. Thy Blood Paints the Sky

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