Vedi la canzone che ti piace in questa lista di canzoni di Opeth?
- In My Time Of Need
- Burden
- Heart In Hand
- Harvest
- Windowpane
- To Rid The Disease
- Benighted
- Bleak
- Era
- To Bid You Farewell
- Coil
- Face Of Melinda
- Forest Of October
- Soldier Of Fortune (cover)
- Credence
- Ghost Of Perdition
- Hope Leaves
- Hours Of Wealth
- Will O The Wisp
- Blackwater Park
- Deliverance
- Demon Of The Fall
- Ending Credits
- Hessian Peel
- Master's Apprentices
- Moonlapse Vertigo
- Porcelain Heart
- Silhouette
- Sorceress
- Sorceress 2
- The Drapery Falls
- The Leper Affinity
- The Mob
- The Moor
- The Wilde Flowers
- Weakness
- When
- A Fair Judgement
- A Fleeting Glance
- Advent
- All Things Will Pass
- Allting Tar Slut
- April Ethereal
- Atonement
- Beneath The Mire
- Black Rose Immortal
- Bridge Of Sighs
- By The Pain I See In Others
- Charlatan
- Chrysalis
- Circle Of The Tyrants
- Closure
- Continuum
- Cusp Of Eternity
- Cusp Of Eternity
- De Närmast Sörjande
- Death Whispered a Lullaby
- Den Ständiga Resan
- Derelict Herds
- Dignity
- Dirge For November
- Elysian Woes
- Epilogue
- Eternal Rains Will Come
- Eternal Soul Torture
- Face In The Snow
- Faith In Others
- Famine
- Folklore
- For Absent Friends
- Freedom & Tyranny
- Garden Of Earthly Delights
- Godhead's Lament
- Häxprocess
- Heir Apparent
- Heritage
- Hex Omega
- Hjärtat Vet Vad Handen Gör
- I Feel The Dark
- In The Mist She Was Standing
- Ingen Sanning Är Allas
- Into The Frost Winter
- Isolation Years
- Karma
- Lovelorn Crime
- Madrigal
- Marrow Of The Earth
- Mellotron Heart
- Minnets Yta
- Moon Above, Sun Below
- Nectar
- Nepenthe
- Next Of Kin
- Patterns In The Ivy
- Patterns In The Ivy II
- Persephone
- Persephone (Slight Return)
- Prologue
- Pyre
- Remember Tomorrow
- Requiem
- Reverie / Harlequin Forest
- River
- Serenity Painted Death
- Slither
- Solitude
- Still Day Beneath The Sun
- Strange Brew
- Svekets Prins
- The Amen Corner
- The Apostle In Triumph
- The Baying Of The Hounds
- The Devil's Orchard
- The Funeral Portrait
- The Garroter
- The Grand Conjuration
- The Lines In My Hand
- The Lotus Eater
- The Night And The Silent Water
- The Perpetual Journey
- The Seventh Sojourn
- The Throat of Winter
- The Twilight Is My Robe
- The Ward
- Under The Weeping Moon
- Universal Truth
- Var Kommer Barnen In
- Voice Of Treason
- White Cluster
- Width Of A Circle
- Would?
- Wreath
Gli Opeth sono un gruppo musicale progressive metal svedese, formatosi a Stoccolma nel 1990.
Il nome del gruppo si ispira a quello della città della Luna (Opet) del libro L'uccello del sole di Wilbur Smith.
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